Good post Bohm.
I'm inclined to believe mind control is involved even at that point. As JWs our mind has continuously been exposed layer, by layer (some since birth) to the WTS teachings or programming – repetitively and at regular intervals. They install Pavlovian trigger words and an automatic subconscious reaction - brain circuits fire (bringing to the conscious mind the previously instilled belief system) at the same time shutting down the frontal lobes which immediately shut down reasoning and logic. Your brain is on autopilot run by the meticulously installed programming and your mind runs in circles defending your position. You literally cannot hear or even think about what is being presented from an objective point of view – it is all subjective to your previous programming (of course fear is also another mind paralyzing tactic they instill in us which freezes logical thinking). Yet, the belief is there that it is coming from “within us” our thoughts that we made independently – which is not so.
As JWs we have not been allowed to form various belief systems outside of the WTS and not allowed objectivity (no independent thought). Therefore, our frame of reference is extremely skewed and narrow. Now what is the difference with the doubting JW? In most cases, the person who has doubts was exposed to more than one belief system with varying degrees of objectivity and many sided views about different topics. They are, therefore, able to reason objectively from various frames of reference. They are thus able to comprehend things that are negative about the witnesses. Somewhere at some point the doubting person enlarged their frame of reference – perhaps allowed themselves more independent thought, perhaps they internally rejected some doctrines, read more books or had some degree of education, were not always witnesses or had liberal parents (even as JWs) or had outsiders as friends – whatever may have broadened their “outside” information base.
That is why we must at all costs avoid trigger words with people we are trying to get through to. We need to work around the programming – short circuiting it. We need to help them develop their logic and reasoning skills outside of the JW world. Fear is another mind paralyzing addition to all this b
This is why the WTS discourages independent thinking, education and worldly association and ties up our time with their mind programming literature and meetings.
I hope this makes sense (they are only my thoughts on it and could be totally off base)! Of course it takes a lot of patience and time to do this. It’s also hard to not use trigger words when our emotions are involved and we just desperately want them to see the truth about the WTS.