Thank you very much indeed everyone! I must say, I don't get them often, shepherding visits, but they have only ever been upbuilding. It is just that, I was talking to an elder about would I be allowed to change field groups, and i had two choices in particular, or is there no point asking because of my location. He then asked why I would want to do that. I had to tell him that my leader never checks on me, and I am off sick for months at a time with disabling conditions, and he never gets spiritual food to me and I am exasperated keep asking and asking, even at the group in front of everyone i ask nicely, so do others, they get theirs, i dont. i have to presume he is overworked and has his favourites. well, i don't need him to like me personally, i just want my spiritual food in the door. so my friend elder said something about the organization book and how much work is involved in sorting who is in what group, so no, i could not change groups. then he said that i could ask any elder for a shepherding visit if i didnt have the courage to air my grievances with my group leader. He offered to do a shepherding visit with me, which i accepted with happiness. the next day he says that my group leader will be there because he is my group leader. I have been crying for days. all i have done is gone full circle. i begrudge that my leader only gives me attention when he has to - like when he had to ring me in the spring to say the public preaching work is cancelled due to the pandemic. having a visit now, would simply be a waste of everyone's time. I don't want to have the courage to point out his neglect of me - I am not perfect either!