Screw you, Falcon! Today is Star Wars Day and Shack delivered a multiverse of awesome with that combo.
Besides, everybody knows Sagan was a boob guy.
i realize i peddle carl sagan like christians peddle jesus but i think every one of us who has survived the watchtower, regardless of our current beliefs, should be able to appreciate this.
in the path to freedom (chapter from one of his books), sagan was discussing frederick (bailey) douglass's life in the early 19th century and his quest for literal freedom.
see if anything here sounds familiar:.
Screw you, Falcon! Today is Star Wars Day and Shack delivered a multiverse of awesome with that combo.
Besides, everybody knows Sagan was a boob guy.
as i expect many of you can guess, i am very sceptical about unproven medical techniques, and find some of the claims made by homeopathic medicine quite ludicrous.
when i was a witness i saw lots of faith in "alternative" medicine, so long as it didn't border on anything to do with demunz, it was probably being promoted by some crank pot sister.
i would be interested in what opinions you guys and gals have.. anyway here's the article..
From what I understand, plenty of studies have showed homeopathic treatments are no more effective than placebos. But then placebos can have legit physiological effects from subconscious conditioning, not counting the perceived effects. (Check out this fantastic article on placebos published in Scientific American. )
My devout JW MIL was diagnosed with colorectal cancer two years ago. She accepted traditional chemo treatments that first year, then fell back on alterntive medicine... a "black salve" treatment in the second year. So she was applying this caustic black salve to her shoulder... to "draw out the cancerous cells" in her colon.
For a while, she seemed to be doing better.. more energy, for example. She thought it was working and even a visit to a traditional doctor indicated the tumor hadn't grown any. My MIL attributed it to the black salve and continued using it, along with a strict diet.
Recently we heard an update from my wife's brother that it seems to have metastasized further and their mother has more or less accepted her fate, with no desire to resume traditional treatment.
i realize i peddle carl sagan like christians peddle jesus but i think every one of us who has survived the watchtower, regardless of our current beliefs, should be able to appreciate this.
in the path to freedom (chapter from one of his books), sagan was discussing frederick (bailey) douglass's life in the early 19th century and his quest for literal freedom.
see if anything here sounds familiar:.
For the mutual love of Carl! Thanks for my new background, Shack.
i realize i peddle carl sagan like christians peddle jesus but i think every one of us who has survived the watchtower, regardless of our current beliefs, should be able to appreciate this.
in the path to freedom (chapter from one of his books), sagan was discussing frederick (bailey) douglass's life in the early 19th century and his quest for literal freedom.
see if anything here sounds familiar:.
LV101: Were you home schooled?
Unfortunately, yes... from grades 10-12. Terrible decision. I didn't learn a damn thing and ended up pioneering - what a waste of youth. (Not saying I was unhappy back then, I just wish I'd held my current view of education.) I've been playing catch-up since I woke up and have since developed a love for science, even though I'm still pretty ignorant of most of it. It's a great ride.
Here's one concept that draws me to science:
"When scientists don’t know something — like why the universe came into being or how the first self-replicating molecules formed — they admit it. Pretending to know things one doesn’t know is a profound liability in science. And yet it is the life-blood of faith-based religion. One of the monumental ironies of religious discourse can be found in the frequency with which people of faith praise themselves for their humility, while claiming to know facts about cosmology, chemistry and biology that no scientist knows. When considering questions about the nature of the cosmos and our place within it, atheists tend to draw their opinions from science. This isn’t arrogance; it is intellectual honesty." - Sam Harris
i was driving home the other evening pondering the past couple of turbulant years for me and my family.
i reflected back on my appointment as a ministerial servant and my attitude, beliefs and thinking at the time.
i thought about the subsequent misery that being a servant brings once the the glow wears off and people stop "commending you on your fine spiritual progress.
Sorry, Falcon, nobody saw your last heartfelt post there because your thread was buried by Perry and his funamentalist parrot, shitting on science from atop the altar of ignorance.
i realize i peddle carl sagan like christians peddle jesus but i think every one of us who has survived the watchtower, regardless of our current beliefs, should be able to appreciate this.
in the path to freedom (chapter from one of his books), sagan was discussing frederick (bailey) douglass's life in the early 19th century and his quest for literal freedom.
see if anything here sounds familiar:.
Tis right, LV101! Great for folks like me who missed the significance of the scientific method in school. Full text available as PDF - no cost to you - at this link .
i was driving home the other evening pondering the past couple of turbulant years for me and my family.
i reflected back on my appointment as a ministerial servant and my attitude, beliefs and thinking at the time.
i thought about the subsequent misery that being a servant brings once the the glow wears off and people stop "commending you on your fine spiritual progress.
Yes, quite the submission there MF'r.
For a very short time, I bought into the whole, "Doesn't matter what I do as long as I live for Jabba... if I quit my job right now and we move where the need is greater without a plan, Holy Spirit will cover for me on everything else." That was the gist of what our CO suggested during a shepherding call after I suppressed my initial doubts. And I was just naive enough to believe him. I spent several months being the best damn JW I could be, even in private, with the intent of doing something stupid like that. I thank Allah that my doubts resurfaced and we got the hell out.
As far as the Spirit's magic quality goes, I should've known something was up years earlier when they asked - prior to announcing my MS appointment - if there was any reason I shouldn't be a servant. What an odd question at an awkward time. "uhhhh, nooo?" Wouldn't Holy Spirit know if I wasn't qualified? Ridiculous. But that let me know masturbation must notta been as big a no-no as the WT made it out to be. Alrighty then! Fap on, SweetCheezits. Fap on.
there is no shortage of ex-elders, behelites, ex-circuit overseers on this forum that continue to spout their hatred for christians, even as they did while leading their former adherents down the same path.
the new religion for these preachers of paradise, is materialism.
in their view, science is the arbitrator of truth.
There is little to no argument presented here other than the facts relating to the unreliability of so-called science in the four examples I presented. My point is that bogus science abounds and there is little the average person can do about it.
You're typing a message and making it available for thousands of readers around the world, Perry, and you're doing it on a fcking computer. A product of science. Perhaps you're qualified to berate computer science a bit while you're up there screaming about sciences that threaten your mythical world view?
i realize i peddle carl sagan like christians peddle jesus but i think every one of us who has survived the watchtower, regardless of our current beliefs, should be able to appreciate this.
in the path to freedom (chapter from one of his books), sagan was discussing frederick (bailey) douglass's life in the early 19th century and his quest for literal freedom.
see if anything here sounds familiar:.
Well it makes sense...
I'm a dork with an 80s era haircut and an undocumented speech impediment.
Falcon is a dirty, womanizing boozehound who, coincidentally, makes Wilt Chamerlain look like a monk.
Zoiks is a sensible, well-mannered home-maker full of nifty tips and organizational ideas.
Meanwhile, that unshackled fellow is always quoting from the Bible, I presume because he has a horde of concubines that follow him around like he's god. (As should be expected of a Paul Newman-looking bastard.)
i realize i peddle carl sagan like christians peddle jesus but i think every one of us who has survived the watchtower, regardless of our current beliefs, should be able to appreciate this.
in the path to freedom (chapter from one of his books), sagan was discussing frederick (bailey) douglass's life in the early 19th century and his quest for literal freedom.
see if anything here sounds familiar:.
That's right, some of us 20th century relics can dig it.