Oh bullsh*t!!!!!
Iis so easy to say that you are not affected, because you are able to reap the benefits of being white without even realizing.
It is quite a funny thing that there are so many more people of color incarcerated, ever stopped to ask yourself why? They cant afford lawyers, they are pulled over more often, they dont get the put on the back and let off as easy BECAUSE of the color of their skin? Have you ever looked at the penalities for drug possession, and compared them to, I dunno, rich fat bastards running off with peoples retirements? I bet you have never been followed when you shopped at the mall for baby clothes, or told that you would have polka-dotted babies if you have a mixed baby. (I have!)
So what if your people did not get here until after slavery, you still benefit from the good ole boy's club because of your color. The fact that you cannot even acknowledge that there is privelege based on color in this country proves how well entrenched it is.
There are far more whites on welfare rolls than people of color, look it up on any statistical site. I personally believe it is a class issue as well, if you do not live in a good neighborhood (which up until the late 60s blacks could not!) you go to sub-standard schools, you go to sub-standard colleges (if at all). There are plenty of people who work 50 and 60 hours a week and still cannot make ends meet. Not just blacks, whites too. That is just messed up. It has nothing to do with wanting to work.
If you ever have a chance to go and listen to any of the current African American leadership IN PERSON....without the filter of the press....I urge you to go. You may be amazed at what you hear, it is not the same thing you hear on the news.
It is time to tell the ugly history of America...and yeah yall have to listen and realize it really happened, and that it STILL affects Americans today.