So did my wife and I , it was amazing what their reactions were, ALL positive
Posts by JT
by jam ini have been out since 1987, was a elder.
half my family are jw, the others are strong baptist.
i made my regrets to all my family also to old school friends.
I'm being hunted by an elder - would this work?
by serendipity inthis week elder z shows up at my house twice, unexpectedly.
the first time i didn't see him, but my daughter did and didn't answer the door.
the next time i decided not to answer the door since i didn't feel like talking to him.
She's 17 and thinks we need to go to a meeting every once in awhile to please God. I'm trying to do a slow fade to avoid losing the extended family. My daughter is not baptized or active at all, so I'm hopeful she'll fade with me, eventually
are you sharing any ofd the things you are learning about the org, for if not she has no REASON to fadfe?
you may want to ck randy waters site there is the finest exp i have ever read of an elder who got his family out by helping them to SEE THEM TO SEE FOR THEMSELVES as to whether they should continue-
just asking
I'm being hunted by an elder - would this work?
by serendipity inthis week elder z shows up at my house twice, unexpectedly.
the first time i didn't see him, but my daughter did and didn't answer the door.
the next time i decided not to answer the door since i didn't feel like talking to him.
I'm being hunted by an elder - would this work?
by serendipity inthis week elder z shows up at my house twice, unexpectedly.
the first time i didn't see him, but my daughter did and didn't answer the door.
the next time i decided not to answer the door since i didn't feel like talking to him.
JW-apologists - and who survives Armageddon?
by Hellrider inlately i`ve been in conflict with jw-apologists on wikipedia in my country.
the most annoying thing is when the jws are trying to rewrite doctrine to make it sound more humane than it really is.
everyone on this board, everyone who ever was a jw or were raised as a jw,knows what the real doctrine is on this issue.
with the wt teaching that 99% are on satan side, it is pretty clear what they REALLY Think-
What happened 5 or 6 years ago to get so many of us out of JW?
by jayhawk1 ini was reading through the thread, "how good does if feel to you not attending meetings anymore?
" i realized something.
many of us got out between 5 and 6 years ago.
For example, say in 2006 there are 6,000,000 active Witnesses total, and 300,000 get baptized. You'd think, a part from deaths, that the 2007 total would be somewhere near 6,300,000 active JWs. But that is never the case.
keep in mind the wt has a weird accounting system for members,
don't confuse publisher with Baptized jw they are not the same and never will be
the 300,000 baptixe were part of the 6000000 anyway
no change in number of publishers
wt style of counting folks
Missing the friends left behind
by The wanderer inmissing the friends left behind
miss any of their friends that they left behind in the organization.
understandable in a way, why they feel the way they do.
what is amazing about this religion is how many of us will express how we Miss them, yet very few of the folks you may have pioneered with , worked on Hall project, or at the conventions will will speak of us in such terms-
they really don't miss us, they just think we are going to die real soon and be bird food.
it is this type of mental indoctrination that makes such groups as jw so dangerous-
when you consider, a person could have been "Best" friends 30yrs, and announcement is made they are DFEd- NEVER NEVER does the jw say:
"I know Sue, the bro must have made a mistake in her judical case, i have known her for 30yrs, let me go and ask her WHAT HAPPENED??"
folks not one jw every has that thought for the most part- this is why you know this is a cult
folks while we refer to them as "our Freinds" and we Pine and long for them, the fact is they never were our frineds once they started to parttake the WT poison
by minimus inthe elders now have the right to be involved in every facet of a witnesses' life!
they want your phone numbers, cell numbers, they are to be inquired of if you want to take a sh*t. these "good" men will turn into power hungry masters, if they are not already.
the society is taking control over every jw!
JT...great to see you posting again!!! Hope all is well for you and the Mrs.!
When I was a loyal JW....I turned myself in after my divorce for something that bothered my conscience with my ex husband
bingo, being a LOYAL jw is what makes this sick wt system work
everything is put in the context of "This shows we are loyal to god"
more and more jw are indeed not working with the elders today, the high level of fear that jw had for elders when i was a kid are gone
and the wt knows this, at my last elder schools a few years back the bethel instructor stated
there was a time when the society told the elder to jump and they said how high, today they ASK WHY??
everyone sorta laughed but it highlighted that the strong support is not the same today and as the year 2014 gets closer and passes i think the many jw while not leaving will just become more perfunctory in thier wt duties
by minimus inthe elders now have the right to be involved in every facet of a witnesses' life!
they want your phone numbers, cell numbers, they are to be inquired of if you want to take a sh*t. these "good" men will turn into power hungry masters, if they are not already.
the society is taking control over every jw!
When did the WTS make it a rule that you have to give your cell phone number to the elders? I find it hard to believe that they feel entitled to it….just doubting.
it has NEVER been a "rule" it is an example of another one of the nuances that exist in WT world
when an elder ask for such information a good jw merely considers that the bro are looking out for me, and thay i am working with Jehovahs arrangment
i read to many post where former jw make such statements "This is a rule" and jw will come behind you and blow you out of the wate as being dead wrong
instead former jw need to explain that this while not a Written rule is just another example of the many "Unwritten rules and Understandings" that a good jw fully understands and complies with
you have a an avg joe blow and annie mae publisher being asked by the PO
Sister we are putting together a list for the elders and books study conductors to contact the friend in an emergency, Could i have your Cell phone ?
now her she is standing in front of 3 other jw and she says "No i ain't giving you my number"
please someone tell me out of a Hall of 130 publishers how many jw will challenge such a PO
heck look at the title of this thread "BE AFRAID OF THE ELDERS!!!"
and for that reason this is why and elder would not give it a second thought to ask for a cell number and the avg jw would not think twice and actually give it to him in a heart beat
jw live in fear of displeasing god and the quickest way to displease god that every jw knows is to disrespect is Representives, the Elders
it is th WT System that makes this type of stuff work
so fully explain this folks cause if you dont the jw will come behind you , blow you out of the water and your excellent point of how the wt controls folks will be lost
just my 2
What did the Watchtower Soceity REALLY say about 1975?
by Elsewhere inwell, read for yourself!.
click here to download the oct 8th, 1968 awake!
magazine that talks about the year 1975.
*** w80 3/15 pp. 17-18 Choosing the
5 In modern times such eagerness, commendable in itself, has led to attempts at setting dates for the desired liberation from the suffering and troubles that are the lot of persons throughout the earth. With the appearance of the book Life Everlasting—in Freedom of the Sons of God, and its comments as to how appropriate it would be for the millennial reign of Christ to parallel the seventh millennium of man’s existence, considerable expectation was aroused regarding the year 1975. There were statements made then, and thereafter, stressing that this was only a possibility. Unfortunately, however, along with such cautionary information, there were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a mere possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated.
6 In its issue of July 15, 1976, The Watchtower, commenting on the inadvisability of setting our sights on a certain date, stated: “If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises.” In saying “anyone,” The Watchtower included all disappointed ones of Jehovah’s Witnesses, hence including persons having to do with the publication of the information that contributed to the buildup of hopes centered on that date.