I must admit the topic of this thread really caught my attention....then after seeing who posted it....yeah, that's when it all went to H....
Jedi Master
i could'nt believe my ears!.
that's 11th of july 2010.
I must admit the topic of this thread really caught my attention....then after seeing who posted it....yeah, that's when it all went to H....
Jedi Master
i never heard of it nor ever saw such a picture before.
let's see who can come up with the funniest caption for one of these photos:.
Carries its own Hospital Liason Committee in a jumpbag.
And Judicial committee as well, should any of the nurses/doctors be elders as well. Just think about it, you can get interrogated as to why you got into an accident at 1:00 am, why they found alcohol in your car and why you're carring a packet of condoms in your wallet. Was there any innapropriate touching???? Clear!!! 1,2,3 we're losing him....... Come'n brother, come'n.....you can do this....was there any innapropriate touching?? That way they can disfellowhip you even if you don't make it. With at least two witnesses and a half conscious, half dead wrongdoer.....yeah, that's all the proof they'll need.
Jedi Master
when i use the colloquial expression, "this here," does it irritate you?.
my mother talked - and others down here still do - that way.. she worked like a dog to see to it that her 12 children received an education.
mother deceased in 2005. one of my sisters and i like to use that expression as a bittersweet reminder of her and our victory over poverty and despair.. however, when i use it on here, it rankles a prominent poster.
When me first started lurkin' in this here forum, Snawberd was the one poster I first fell in love with hey. Nothn' she say bothers me hey. So y'all leave Syl alone.
Jedi Master
so i decided to look up an old witness friend on facebook.
he accepted my friend request but a few hours later he sent me this message:.
it seems to me that things with you have simply gone further astray.
I feel your pain Scrood. I too have been rejected by "friends" and relatives, even through I'm only inactive. At least you tried to retain that friendship, if he doesn't want it, his loss. He couldn't even be nice about it, he was very AH-olish. Hugs.
Jedi Master
being raised in the jehovah's witnesses for 44 years ( exited 7 years ago ) - i observed many different variables that made each witness tick or operate.
but one of the most common variables was witnesses wanting to excel in progressing to positions becoming elders, ministerial servants, or pioneers because then and only then would they be looked at as allegedly " spiritual " or closer to jehovah.
but i learned as years went by that having a " position " in the congregation didn't make a person anymore " spiritual " or closer to god than witnesses who were not in appointed positions.. myself- having been appointed a ministerial servant at the tender baby age of 20 yrs.
the organistion is all about position, authority, and looking good, for many self serving rather than serving brothers.
Amen to that Rose Petal.
being raised in the jehovah's witnesses for 44 years ( exited 7 years ago ) - i observed many different variables that made each witness tick or operate.
but one of the most common variables was witnesses wanting to excel in progressing to positions becoming elders, ministerial servants, or pioneers because then and only then would they be looked at as allegedly " spiritual " or closer to jehovah.
but i learned as years went by that having a " position " in the congregation didn't make a person anymore " spiritual " or closer to god than witnesses who were not in appointed positions.. myself- having been appointed a ministerial servant at the tender baby age of 20 yrs.
a brother in my hall once made a comment in a WT study, where he referred to brothers and sisters with no “privileges” as the “one more”, in Spanish… los “uno mas”)
Disgusting!!!!! That shows just how spiritual he really was.
But to answer to the topic of this thread: YES YES YES YES. During my active years, I was able to serve in many congregations in at least 3 countries. And the show was always on to let others know how much "progress" you were making, or how your "advancement was being made manifest" to others. It was all a big fake just to put on a pretense. I met pioneers who'd go out for 70 full hours and still no studies or RV's, elders and MS with no knowledge of the Bible whatsoever and yet these were the very ones who enjoyed all the special privileges, meetings and encouragement from the visiting CO. I remember once, when I was finally on my way to the bottom, the CO was visiting, I had already been reproved by then. I was expecting a "shepherding call or something, NOTHING. The CO spent all his time dinning and picniquing with the elders' families and those doing "more". Yeah, right. It's a system they have created were they always pressure you to do more and have high expectations of you but they never really help you attain any of it, as it is all huge popularity contest. Someone in your family must be well known or popular or likable to the elders or the CO to get appointed, otherwise. After struggling many years to become an elder I gave up after someone at age 22, (the son-in-law of the PO) became one. That's when I just let the matter drop. I was so infuriated. By the way, both these "elders" have made the lives of many many witnesses miserable to the point of leaving. I guess they were the lucky ones.
Even though I never made it to be an elder I was always considered very very strong in the truth. And my best friends and those I got alon with the best were always considered "weak" spiritually" just becasue they didn't have any privileges. I knew them very well, and I knew for a fact they were so much more spiritual than many of those holding positions in the congregation. And just like it has been stressed, they seemed to have a better relationship with God than many others, probably including myself.
Jedi Master
my mother was very strict about entertainment.
in school i was doing a project about teen suicide and had checked out some books on suicide and abortion.
i had alot of explaining to do for that.
Smurfs. Thundercats. He-Man and MoU. TV/movies: Anything with any slight hint of magic or witchcraft. Any sort of fighting that lasted for more than 10 seconds. Anything beyond kissing on the cheeks. Any movies my parents felt were ok but had some of this in them, I also remember having to close my eyes during. This was such a huge deal, I actually find myself still doing it sometimes.
Anything connected to "witchcraft" except Disney movies were okay.
Same in my house... does anyone know of any movies with more magic and witchcraft than Disney movies???? Talk about being hypocritical.
Music: anything that had just been released. You know the witnesses' stupid fear of anything that's new and unheard of?? Yah, after a while, it would be ok, as long as it wasn't anything "heavy" or "rap".
Jedi Master.
just a hypothetical question.
suppose you meet someone who happens to be a jehovah's witness.
suppose you get to know how he/she lives, and, though you understand you can't do much for the person, you still show you care.
Does it make a difference to whom? You? Them? IMO, i try to be kind to everyone I meet. No matter what their circumstances in life. When I was still active, I would have conversations with Mormons and even take some of the literature they offered. I remember how nice it was to have a decent conversations while out in fs, so I thought, ah, why not?. When it comes to a witness, what other posters have already said is very true. You'll never be but a nice "worldly" person who'll be destroyed cuz you don't go to meetings and try to live up to the expectations of the GB. And most of them will be nice to you, as long as it is within the social set-up you interact with them, ie: school, work, neighbors, etc. But, never on a personal/friend level. It's all superficial.
Jedi Master
which of the five senses could you do without for a lifetime?.
1. sight.
2. hearing.
I just learned that taste is hardwired with scent. Try tasting something while holding your breath. It's tasteless! I might have to change my choice.
I'll have to check into this...might be hard but I guess for me, living without both taste and scent is still far more bearable than living without any of the other 3.
Jedi Master