As long as I dont' have to clean him up.
As long as I dont' have to clean him up.
on fb yesterday, an old friend of mine 'friended' me....and once again, i was hesitant to actually accept because i didn't know how she would feel about me being df'd.
but i accepted, and she sent me a msg.
well we ended up talking back and forth for awhile, and found out that she lives right around the corner from me!!!!!!!!!!
I've never felt such a horrible combination of indigestion, anger and sadness. I don't know whether to vomit, punch somebody or just cry. I'm really sorry by what happened to you and your friend. Like Tammy said, at least you girs have each other now. My heart goes out to you. Jehovah, or Yaweh, or God, or whomever is up there will make sure they get what they deserve. Best Wishes.
Jedi Master
who will play the final against the dutch orange lions?.
spain or germany?.
i hope it will be germany..... what do you think!.
We're shallow....
I don't know, the US is just like that. Whatever the rest of the world does (metric system, celcius, soccer, kilos) we just have to do the opposite. The one thing I agree on with everyone else and probably the only thing I don't like about soccer is the whole referee/no-technology thing. I"ve seen way too many injustices happen. But get really excited and competitive (in a nice way) during this time. Having been a non-holiday-celebrating witness, soccer's always been sorta like my Xmas. The world cup comes around and it's a time for family and friends to get together and get loud and noisy and drink and eat. Good, times, good times.
Jedi Master
who will play the final against the dutch orange lions?.
spain or germany?.
i hope it will be germany..... what do you think!.
I am. Mostly it's just whatever few Euros we have and a few straying Americans like myself . I think Titus and burntheships are also following it. As much as I'd love to have a Deutchland vs Spain final to have a new champ. I think Germany will move on. Really hoping the Hollies win though. They've made it to 2 finals in the past but the cup keeps gettin snatched away from them. Goooooo Deutchland!!
Jedi Master
so last saturday i had my first non-witness social event.
it wasn't anything big, a young couple who just recently moved into my apt bldg invited me over.
we met a couple days after they moved in and i helped them out as they got themselves locked out at 11 pm at night.
Ha, thanks all.
I felt like a martian studying earthlings
ROFL. You have no idea how many times I felt like this. Everything they did, what they said, they way they moved, they things they had.... I was like OMG, OMG, OMG. Soooo lame After the first 30 min or so it got better. To the point that the movie we watched was: The Omen.....yup, that's right, my first demon-inspired film. We watched the old 1976-or-so version so it was actually more funny than it was scary. But then again, I never thought I'd be watching such a movie with worldlies. I kept thinking, "they're going to ask me to have a threesome with them any minute now..." buuuut it never happened.
I walked away with a warm feeling in my heart and a smile on my face, thinking to myself, "I've got to get out more often
Break the mold you were in.
Taking baby steps but really liking it.
Jedi Master
so last saturday i had my first non-witness social event.
it wasn't anything big, a young couple who just recently moved into my apt bldg invited me over.
we met a couple days after they moved in and i helped them out as they got themselves locked out at 11 pm at night.
So last Saturday I had my first non-witness social event. It wasn't anything big, a young couple who just recently moved into my apt bldg invited me over. We met a couple days after they moved in and I helped them out as they got themselves locked out at 11 pm at night. So I came over and watched a movie, had pizza, played some videogames and played a stupid boring board game. But it was AWESOME!!! It was normal, decent, wholesome association/fun. Nothing like what the WT portrays: evil, wicked, satan-controlled people who will lead you astray and cause you to drift. Such lies!!!
I must admit I was quite aprehensive at first as I really had no idea what to expect. But I just tried to be myself and kept reminding myself not to judge, I can't believe how many times I caught myself popping back into witness mode. Ugghhhck! Here all these months I've been wallowing and feeling lonely cuz my witness "friends" won't hang out with me cuz I'm not out selling their cookies and going to brain-washing sessions, when there's a whole wide world of friendly people out there. I just wish I would've done it sooner. Maybe we'll go watch a movie next time.
Jedi Master
the company i work for rents out several floors in an office building.
this jw works for the actual office building, specifically in a little mini concession stand, with things like overpriced chips, soda, etc.. so i'm walking through the revolving doors this morning, and i see her.
elevators can be a mofo in the morning some days.
with things like overpriced chips, soda, etc..
Maybe you should counsel her. If you help her see how selling overpriced stuff amounts to stealing, maybe her so well trained conscience will kick in and she'll find a different job.
Jedi Master
i found this online.
i have not seen it on here before so i thought i would post it.
it is a test to determine if you belong in the jw religion.
50% Here...... Yeah, that's kinda how I still feel. Trapped between two worlds.... Still trying to break free.
Jedi Master
young people ask - answers that work to repress.. the subject-to-change truth that leads to eternal life.
keep yourselves in gods love - by following 1950s morality.
any more?
My Book of Petty Stories
From Paradise Lost to Paradise never there.
Draw Close to the Governing Body
Isaiahs' Prophecies - A light for your bonfire.
Worship...US or else.
look at the difference in height between your index and ring fingers, palm facing towards you:.
a) they are pretty much the same height.
b) the index finger is taller.
Aaaahhh, ok so my index finger is VERY slightly taller than the ring finger... so......according to this..... I should be a woman or gay ... I don't know about that but.... I do really suck at math, can only change a theory...and am completely tone deaf, though I do play a musical instrument. I have no children...not even dating, and am very non-agressive.
This got me thinking, I think I actually had the witness thing right.... Non-aggressive gay individual, can't tell 144,000 from a great crowd, don't know how long two overlapping generations actually are and can't keep a single 4/4 C major scale 1 minute song going without messing up.
I am missing my calling!!!!! Going back to the Kingdom Hall this Sunday. How appropriate the WT study will be about headship and submission.....
Jedi Master