I'd been df twice and was honestly trying to get reinstated the 2nd time because I still belived. I suffer from depression and dealing with gay feelings all my life. I came too close to taking my life over the whole thing. The elders never showed any sympathy or even a little bit of compassion even when they knew I was going to a therapist several times a week and that I was under heavy medication. I could not belive a God of love could be backing such insensitive bastards. No love = not the truth. The Matrix's code sort of became clearer and clearer after that moment. It literally saved my life.
JoinedPosts by JediMaster
Matrix moment - what was it and when did you share it?
by MMXIV infor those of you who had a moment like that from the matrix when you realised what you'd believed was fundamentally flawed or a lie - what caused that defining moment and how long was it before you could share your thoughts?.
How do you Spell Disfellowshipped?
by RayPublisher inthe reason i ask, is that if you search the wt publications, you will see that it is spelled with only one "p" over 600 times, but also spelled with two "p"s 600 times.. .
very confusing!
any linguistic experts out there that know which it should be?.
I think both are correct. -pped might be more of a British thing...
Does the Watchtower contain photo's of the Devil
by jwfacts ini have not been able to find any photo's of satan the devil in the watchtower.
there are photo's of the serpent with eve, satan's hand offering kingdoms to jesus and a shadowy cloaked figure speaking to jesus on the mountain.
apart from that i cannot locate any of a proper looking devil.
Check out this link at the official site. The pic at the top left. http://www.watchtower.org/e/20091001a/article_01.htm
I remember this picture not too long ago but can't remember what publication it was on. It hit me for the same reason: I had never seen an illustration with Satan's face. Sorry, but I couldn't figure out how to post the pic. I didn't want to post w/o the actual pic but couldn't find it. Just happened to browse across it by accident... ;)
Old Songbooks
by JediMaster inhi, i usually don't post here a lot but, i spent some time with my aunt and uncle last week.
he's df'ed and she's inactive but still makes some meetings.
we somehow got into how bad some of the new songs are and they both mentioned a few interesting things about the songs back in the 60-80's.
Thanks for the help everyone... I was able to find a few of the old songbooks. Boy were things different back then!!! I'd love to hear 5,000 people try to sing double chorus at a convention these days.... LOL
Neonman you're right. A lot of titles are the same, but w/o the music it's kinda hard to tell. Also, the words to some songs did change quite a bit between 1900-1930's years.
So far these are the ones I'm missing: I looked everywhere but can't find them. I find it odd specially since one of them is not that old...
Singing and Accompanying Yourselves With Music in Your Hearts (1966, 119 songs)
Songs of Praise to Jehovah (1928, 337songs)
Kingdom Hymns (1925; 80 songs)
Songs of the Bride (1879, 144 songs)
I think the first two would be the most interesting to compare with their counterparts. I'm sure there's quite a few changes between "Accompanying Yourselves" vs "Sing Praises" and "Songs of Praise to J" vs "Songs of Praise to J".
Anybody have an extra copy of "Accompanying Yourselves"??
Old Songbooks
by JediMaster inhi, i usually don't post here a lot but, i spent some time with my aunt and uncle last week.
he's df'ed and she's inactive but still makes some meetings.
we somehow got into how bad some of the new songs are and they both mentioned a few interesting things about the songs back in the 60-80's.
I guess those were the days back then when they really told it like it was and didn't take no from anybody
Thats what got my attention. My uncle said he still remembers his favorite song from one of those books: Song of Reproach against Satan, or something like that... Where they pretty much "thrashed him". LOL
I was like: "What?!! We had a song like that?? Sweet, I've got to see it." I know they used to use the word "Zion" too a lot.
Old Songbooks
by JediMaster inhi, i usually don't post here a lot but, i spent some time with my aunt and uncle last week.
he's df'ed and she's inactive but still makes some meetings.
we somehow got into how bad some of the new songs are and they both mentioned a few interesting things about the songs back in the 60-80's.
Hi, I usually don't post here a lot but, I spent some time with my aunt and uncle last week. He's DF'ed and she's inactive but still makes some meetings.
We somehow got into how bad some of the new songs are and they both mentioned a few interesting things about the songs back in the 60-80's. When a cousin was visiting here from Latin America during the summer, she also said our grandma is not very happy and keeps saying how much better songs were even back in "her days"... I'm guessing back in the 30's-50's.
I thought it'd be interesting to look into it and see what differences there are in music and doctrine as well. Does anyone have any older songbooks you want to get rid of or give away??? Or any PDF's would be helpful too. Thanks.
I am still a green blob!
by GrandmaJones ini have followed everyone's advice.
i went to the gravatar site.
i registered, got an email with a link to active my account, clicked on the link, got a further response that i was registered, went to my new account, yes they had me under my email,emptied my "cache", i chose a picture, gave it a g rating, and confirmed my photo and email together.
Sorry I'm out of ideas... I know a few users have problems with it no matter what, and for others, it works the 1st time.
Check out this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/forum/tech-support/192476/1/How-do-I-change-my-avatar
Looks like others have had trouble with it but eventually made it work. Try PM'ing them, or see if any of the suggestions they offer might help you.
I am still a green blob!
by GrandmaJones ini have followed everyone's advice.
i went to the gravatar site.
i registered, got an email with a link to active my account, clicked on the link, got a further response that i was registered, went to my new account, yes they had me under my email,emptied my "cache", i chose a picture, gave it a g rating, and confirmed my photo and email together.
Have you cleaned your browser's history?? Clear everything, history, cookies, cache, active logins, site preferences. Do it a couple times just to be sure. Then restart your computer.
Here is the link to the new KS book!!!
by elderelite ini decided to take the heat for brother yancey knotingham on this one and post the book myself directly!!
of course, bigmac, littlewich, mosche and all the others who think there is no reason for anyone to be an elder/fader or that elders cant provide anything usefull to the group, need not click the link...just saying.
ks 2010. .
(((((((((((((NVL)))))))))))) So sorry you had to go through all that crap... But like others have said, at you're now free at last. And can continue to live YOUR life as fully as never before. Hugs again.