Asking one of the Annointed about their experience in this matter was something that just wasn't done.
So It's an eye opener to hear these experiences. I'm left with a sense that this is, yet again, another example of where if I'd known what was going on behind the scenes, I'd have high tailed it outta' there years...decades sooner. Sorry, I'm trying to be open about this...after all who's to say how it really is.
But I've gotta' say....most of this sounds bonkers to me.
I can see how the Elders may have suspected mental illness. And to think, some who claim this calling, are the ones running the show. It's no wonder we had so many off the wall ideas and why the beliefs keep changing. Just my take on offense meant to anyone.
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
For those who were partakers
by mamalove inwhat made you think you were supposed to drink the wine and eat the bread?
if you left the org, did you still feel like you were going to heaven?.
Animals living forever
by exwhyzee indid you ever wonder why, if god meant man to live forever, why animals would still grow old and die?.
it seems like if he wanted to, he could have created them to live forever and then stop reproducing once there were man was supposed to once the earth was filled.
in the "new system" (assuming there is to be one) man supposedly won't be eating meat and the animals wouldn't be eating eachother so they would die of old age and would suffer the effects of growing old as they do now.
Hahahaha, I really did have a dog named fluffy as a child
Maybe she'll be in the resurection ! ( evil grin )
Animals living forever
by exwhyzee indid you ever wonder why, if god meant man to live forever, why animals would still grow old and die?.
it seems like if he wanted to, he could have created them to live forever and then stop reproducing once there were man was supposed to once the earth was filled.
in the "new system" (assuming there is to be one) man supposedly won't be eating meat and the animals wouldn't be eating eachother so they would die of old age and would suffer the effects of growing old as they do now.
Did you ever wonder why, if God meant man to live forever, why animals would still grow old and die?
It seems like if he wanted to, he could have created them to live forever and then stop reproducing once there were man was supposed to once the earth was filled. In the "new system" (assuming there is to be one) Man supposedly won't be eating meat and the animals wouldn't be eating eachother so they would die of old age and would suffer the effects of growing old as they do now. I can't imagine how many pets one might have over the span of eternity and how many one would loose as well. With our perfect minds, we'd remember each one of them "I sure miss Fluffy number 4,321 she was the best dog ever "
Do you still believe in a "New System" and if so...what about the animals ?
How did you choose your screenname for
by Voices inalright, i'm curious now cause i've been wanting to know how certain people go their screennames.
now some people have their names involved with makes sense and so forth.
but i guess i'll start out.
Ex why zee,
It's easy as 1-2-3,
As simple as Doe Ray Mi.
Ex why zee,
Baby it's you and me !
For those who were partakers
by mamalove inwhat made you think you were supposed to drink the wine and eat the bread?
if you left the org, did you still feel like you were going to heaven?.
You just know.
Then just as don't know ?
Could you die without anyone noticing?
by AK - Jeff innot long ago i had 100 'friends' - or so i thought.
i certainly had 100 or more people who said they were friends.
then i left a cult, and found myself with very few friends - those kind in the flesh, in the community.
Whether or not someone finds me in a day or a month...I'm dead and nothing would matter to me anyway. I do know what you are saying though. It's more a matter of how many people you matter to in life.
I was used to like to think that I had a network of friends to call on in a pinch. I always felt, and still do feel that I would be there in a nano-second to help anyone I knew regardless of their standing at the Hall. Maybe others feel this way about me too...but day to day, it's as if I never had a friend in my life. I didn't even get to do anything naughty other than stop going to meetings. How boring of me ! But the outcome is the same.
For now all I have are my sons and a daughter in law and my wife and people I work with. Other than that, if I went missing or was abducted by Aliens, our puppy (sweet as he is) would probably eat my face off if he missed a meal.
For those who were partakers
by mamalove inwhat made you think you were supposed to drink the wine and eat the bread?
if you left the org, did you still feel like you were going to heaven?.
Good question...something I always wondered as well. I hope someone far "crickets"
Hidden remnants of a life past....
by AK - Jeff inas we sat rummaging through old files, clearing the clutter and removing dated receipts, canceled checks, and old employment information, i found them.
in a file, hidden somewhere between the mortgage papers and credit card statements, was a file marked 'theocratic info' or something to that effect.. my wife handed the file to me and asked what i wanted to do with this?
i shuffled through forty or fifty sheets of neatly typed notes, manuscripts, and printed forms.
like a letter from Knorr then Presidient of the Society to the Bethel family in 76 just after 1975 passed uneventfully, stonewalling any mention of it.
Hey RGbooks....any chance of copying that letter and posting it here ?
We are not false prophets
by Cook My Socks UK inbelow is the outline for a talk on the service meeting this week, i guess to help ones to answer the objection / accusation - how would you refute, if this reasoning was used by a jw at your door?.
have not jehovahs witnesses made errors in their teachings?.
jehovahs witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets.
For over 130 years, the BS/WTS/JWs have been saying that Armageddon is coming soon. But it hasn't. How is this NOT false prophecy?
They will say the prophecy about Armegeddon was made in the Bible, they did not make it , rather they interpreted the prophecy and have had to alter their interpretation of the prophecy. For this reason they are not false prophets, but rather imperfect men who came to the wrong conclusion on occasion.
Well I threw all the bound volumes, and literature into the dumpster today
by gubberningbody ini did keep the boxes they were in, though.
i have a use for them.. i also tossed all my outlines, kms, letters, etc..
A few months back I emptied a whole stack of magazines and a few books into the recycling bin outside my garage door. It was all very therapeutic until a herd of swine lept out of the bin and headed straight for the precipice at the end of our street.
Seriously though...I always felt more than a twinge of guilt, throwing out the Wt's and Awakes we didn't place. (Bro's. in Bethel work so from Jehovah's tabel etc.) They'd stack up in a closet until I finally had to do something about it. I'd tear the covers off in case someone might see them in the garbage and it would bring shame on the Organization. Then I'd feel guilty that maybe if the covers were still on someone might have read them and "come into the truth". I realize now that I was raised to think this literature was somewhat holy. I can appreciate what a significant step it was for you, GB and the others here when it came time to rid yourselves of something you once held in high regard but then found it to be the source of what had misled you for so long.