I'm curious to know what part of Forrest Gump was used as well
My Momma always said "new Light is like a box of cocolates....you never know what you're gonna get.....RUN FORREST RUN !!! "
did anyone notice that in the july 15th wt right after the apostate article the next one is entitled "scattering feathers in the wind.
" it is the exact same illustration that philip seymour hoffman used in the movie doubt to meryl streep when she was accusing him of molesting the boys at the school.
the wt says it is an old jewish tale.
I'm curious to know what part of Forrest Gump was used as well
My Momma always said "new Light is like a box of cocolates....you never know what you're gonna get.....RUN FORREST RUN !!! "
Good question Minimus...I have thought about this too.
Getting DF'd would put a period at the end of this run on sentence as to where I stand with them. It would also make it appear to my still "in" family members and friends who still talk to me, that they have the official green light go ahead to start the shunning process. It would be interesting to see if they would really do it.
world's oldest man dies in montana at 114 end: .tools end: .hd ap 114 year old walter breuning sits for an interview with a reporter for the associated press in the lobby ... end #main-media slideshow:world's oldest man, walter breuning, dies at 114 end .primary-media end .related-media by matt volz, associated press matt volz, associated press fri apr 15, 4:11 am et end .byline great falls, mont.
walter breuning's earliest memories stretched back 111 years, before home entertainment came with a twist of the radio dial.
they were of his grandfather's tales of killing southerners in the civil war.. breuning was 3 and horrified: "i thought that was a hell of a thing to say.".
Interesting to note that his own parents died relatively young....goes to show ya, there doesn't seem to be any pattern to these things.
Can you imagine going from a life in the horse and buggy days to a time when traveling in cars, air planes and space shuttles is commonplace? Not to mention the invention of the telephone, Cell phone, television, computers and all the medical break throughs that have happened in the last 114 years.
Saltyoldlady: As long as you don't attract any bears along with all those other critters you feed at your back door, you should have no problem making it into the three digit range. LOL !
firstly a wedding/sales talk that mostly features heavily on how the woman should behave (hint, doormat) and lightly brushes over the fact of the husbands bevhaviour ( oh yeah he should treat her well).
the reception normaly at some crummy comunity hall with yellowed ceilings and chucks of damp plaster falling off the walls.
the seats normaly arranged facing eachother all around the edge, so that theres a huge unused space in the middle and everyone is climbing over everyone elses legs to get to their chair.. a big spread donated by everyone, normaly an ode to food poisoning.
Apparently the whole marriage was doomed from the start and ended up being annuled about 6 weeks later ...but that's another story.
You can't tell part of the story and leave us hanging like that!!! What happened???
I left it out because it's a pretty sad tale. It seemed inappropriate to include the sad part with the kind of slapstick things that happened at the wedding.
Anyway...the groom was in his late twenties or early 30's had only recently studied and had been baptized. He had no Witness family and had only met the bride when he started coming to the hall. The Bride had grown up as a Witness but was from a really weird family. I never knew them because they were the type you steered clear of...wouldn't even want to know them just based on their appearance and behavior. (red flags all over the place) She was the only seemingly normal one. I knew her from other kids that had grown up with her. Unlike her family she was slim, clean and kind of pretty but she always seemed sad and worried. Even though she was only about 20 at the time of the wedding, she seemed to be carrying the weight of the world. She walked down the asile as if she were going to the gallows.
It turns out she had been molested throughout her life and never could tell anyone about it. Because of all the burdens and grief carried as a result this, she couldn't bring herself to consumate the marriage so they just called the whole thing off. She is older now and still single and a pioneer last I heard.
we are great friends now....but he wasn't much of a father growing up.. worked all the time...we went on few vacations....pretty much pussy whipped my my nazis jw mother.. he never did believe in the whole jw thing.
he just when along with it, for my mothers sake.. she never did respect him for not being a "spiritual head" and pretty much let us kids know about it.. i, like my mother became very self rightious and judgmental.. i wished now he had just came to me just once and said "keith maybe the jws are not the people you think they are.
" but he was to afraid of my mother to say that...even though he knew it to be true.i would have never believed him....back then....but it would have planted a seed.... .
They raised 5 kids in a decent style even though my father only had an eigth grade education. He was always soft spoken and gentle (and often emotional) - hugged and kissed us kids and always told us how much he loved us. He made my sister and I (and mother)feel like the most beautiful, refined women in the world
Magwitch: What an awesome thing to be able to say about your Dad. That single statement alone says just about all a father could hope to hear from his child. It would be cool if you could put that in a card and give it to him.
My Dad was a soft spoken gentle guy too and wasn't afraid to hug or snuggle with his kids or at bedtime quietly sing a little song in our ear that he made up himself. It was hard to terrible to think of him being killed a Armegeddon because he didn't get baptized.,but we did. I wish he was here so I could tell him something like what you said about your Dad, but I think he knew anyway.
sorry for the lengthy thread, i've spent too many years preparing talks.
i can't help it.
i had so many questions as a kid when my dad read me "my book of bible stories".
if a child can think outside of the box, why can't a Jehovah's Witness adult do the same? That's the only question I've asked with an obvious answer:...Brainwash.
Because it scares people who aren't prepared to handle the "actual" truth.
Even though they don't understand it, JW's believe that someone as complex and as powerful as God had no beginning and had no creator. But can't wrap their heads around the possibility that the earth too could have always existed and didn't have a creator either. You're not supposed to think too much about it these things, just nod your head and move as directed and say things like "wasn't that an upbuilding article"
^ i know many women who are all over that.. -sab.
A moustache can often break up the monotony of a persons face.
My wife used to call mine a " Cookie Duster"
I heard of a woman who had her face lifted so many times that she wound up with a goatee but that's another topic.
we are great friends now....but he wasn't much of a father growing up.. worked all the time...we went on few vacations....pretty much pussy whipped my my nazis jw mother.. he never did believe in the whole jw thing.
he just when along with it, for my mothers sake.. she never did respect him for not being a "spiritual head" and pretty much let us kids know about it.. i, like my mother became very self rightious and judgmental.. i wished now he had just came to me just once and said "keith maybe the jws are not the people you think they are.
" but he was to afraid of my mother to say that...even though he knew it to be true.i would have never believed him....back then....but it would have planted a seed.... .
My parents brought us to this country for better opportunities. My Poor non JW Dad had his life hijacked by the "truth" once my Mother started studying . Once she was baptized the doors of opportunity pretty much slammed shut for us in terms of educational opportunities, Sports, Music or other interests. He studied for a long time but couldn't bring himself to go from door to door so there was no way he could get baptized. We were told from the platform that people like my Dad would be destroyed at Armegeddon because they had learned the truth and didn't get baptized. He was left alone Tuestays, Thursdays and Sundays....wasn't part of our family study, worked two jobs so Mom could stay home or Pioneer, he didn't get invited to JW gatherings...didn't get to retire, didn't get to know his grandchildren because he died from not taking a Blood Transfusion at the advice of the JW's ....end of story.
Doubting believers
Countless numbers
Click Start to shut computer down
Civil War
100% chance
pretty ugly
Birth control
we've all known those fanatical witnesses who are guilty of pdf (public display of faith) and always have to make a big song and dance to the whole world and let everyone and their dog know they're a faithful witness of jay hoover!.
1) when my mother first came in 'da troooof' this wacky, over zealous 'sister' was studying with her - you know the type.
this woman was one of those not so subtle individuals who would always talk loud in conversation and say the name jehovah a million times even when the conversation could have been about basketball.
When I was in Bethel, another Bethelite (a skinny white dude) and I went into the city on a bus. I am from a west coast City where pretty much everyone has a car and the people are pretty polite. This Brother was from a Large East Coast City and well used to how things are in these places while getting around on Public Transportaton. We waited for a long time in a crowd for a bus to come along. The minute one came and the doors opened, people began clamoring on board without letting others off....almost pushing and shoving. I was taken aback and just let others on ahead of me. By the time I got on the bus there were no seats left so I just grabbed a handrail. My friend however had scrambled to the back of the bus and gotten us both a seat and was signaling me to come back there and sit with him. As I made my way down the asile I saw that a large, older and very tired looking black woman, laden down with shopping bags, was arguing with him about something . It turns out she wanted him to move over to the seat he was saving for me and let her sit down. He had flatly refused to move. When I got there I couldn't believe that he was being so disrespectful to this old lady. I told him to go ahead and let her have my seat but he still refused to move. The old lady swung her great bulk into him and he went flying down to the end of the seat. She plunked herself down and squashed him up against the side of the bus. He shouted "Geez Lady...with that kinda Butt Action , you ought to be working down on 42nd street !" She said "shut up you Cracker" then out to my horror he said, " Hey...I'm no Cracker, I'm a Minister" to which she replied "What kinda VooDoo Church would have you as it's Minister ?" People were beginning to stare and I was hoping he would keep his mouth shut...but no. He proudly announced " I'm a Jehovah's Witness and we don't have Churches, we have Kingdom Halls !" She said "why don't you go back to your Kingdom Hall and learn some manners?" Well that shut his mouth thankfully....she was absolutely right and he knew it. This guy is still in Bethel and was working in the Legal Dept. the last I heard.