Interesting comment AK. I like how you seem to have some order to your journey. For me, mine is a bit disjointed at present. It seems like new concepts are comming at me fast and furious. Things I knew/sensed since childhood, but had squeched for the sake of others feelings and my own cowardice.
I don't know if I believe the Bible is God's word or if there is a God. I've come to the conclusion that I've wasted too much of my life agonizing over what he wants or doesn't want from us. This was all going on centuries before I ever arrived on the scene and I'm not responsible for having to have all the answers.
I don't like how Christians think they can claim that when people are good, they are being "Christian". There are plenty of good people in the world who are that way without even knowing a thing about Jesus. I don't like how Christians are willing to punish those who don't believe what they do.
I'm glad to have cast off the burdens placed on me by an orginization and organization members, since childhood, and at this late stage in my life, start finding out what it is to enjoy it without the feeling of universal significance being attached to everything I do. I am noticing in myself, a growing sense that the best is yet to come.
Hope it's that way for you too.