If getting the word out is so urgent....why is so much time spent going door to door when one television broadcast/commercial would reach millions around the globe ? The word would be spread world wide in a matter of minutes. Even a simple announcement via television, explaining the message JW's are spreading would be a headstart toward the householders understanding of what those poeple at their front dour are saying. The preaching work in Bible times was considered "Urgent" but spreading it door to door was the only way they could do it. Why is it still being done this way?
Perhaps if the preaching work got completed (spread around the world) too quickly and the end still didn't come...they would have nothing left to do and no way of explainig (again) why Armegeddon didn't arrive. In the past they apparently thought the preaching work was complete enough because it was thought that Armegeddon would come before 1975.
If the time is so urgent, why do the Elders and others in the Congregation I attended, regularly take Cruises or several vacations per year rather than spend their time off work in the ministry. Will they be "blood guilty" for this? Shouldn't the Elders be required to demonstrate the urgency to the flock by spending any free time they have, including vacation time, in the ministry?