When you were a Witness, did you ever think about being married to the same person for all eternity? I mean really think it through? If so, what did you think about that? Did it seem like a reality to you or was it sort of too out there to really comprehend, much like paradise and living forever is or even the concept of God having always existed ?
I remember a Sister in our congregation whose husband was unbelieving and the marriage was really bad. She often said that she felt that she should be scripturally free to leave him and remarry since she didn't even know the true God Jehovah when she was married in a church. Since the Witnesses believe that she was married by an institution run by Satan then her marriage should not be considered binding before Jehovah. She didn't want her husband to become a Witness either because that would mean she would end up married to him for all eternity. She even said if he ever did become a Witness, she hoped that one of them would die in the tribulation so as not to have to be married to eachother for all eternity. Apparently she had been thinking this whole matter through in some detail and it was a reality for her. A reality she dreaded.
My wife and I were well matched from the start but I did sometimes wonder if after 3 million years it would still be good. I always figured I'd cross that bridge when I came to it and figure it out with my perfect mind. After 30 years of marriage and two kids, I can't imagine myself being married to someone else nor would I want to be. I question/doub't everything I ever learned from JW's about God and the Bible now and it doesn't really matter to me if there is a paradise or not anymore. I can understand people not wanting to die but still can't fathom living forever or even being married to the same person forever or how either of these could be a good thing.
What are your thoughts?