If there is to be such a thing as a "New System" the only ones who would be of one specific race would be those who were born before Armegeddon or shortly afterward. It seems like with all the National and Racial Barriers eliminated, people would eventually give birth to neither light or dark skinned offspring but rather they'd be a conglomeration of all racial characteristics. Even without a "New System" It's already happening , now that the world has become a smaller place due to air travel and exposure to other cultures via the Internet. In 50 years, being of "mixed" ethnicity might not even be a topic of discussion. I'm guessing that in 100 years it might be quite exotic to be a person of only one single racial heritage.
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
If you believe in the resurrection or reincarnation what race would you prefer?
by jam infor the past few years i have been asking people.
i have know(blacks) this question.
the results,.
Favourite Poem? Post it here ...
by talesin inhere's one of mine .... .
he is dead.
stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,.
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chilliest land
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.E. Dickenson
Do you remember the first time your Mom or Dad cussed?
by Open mind ini do.. .
how about you?.
My non JW Dad never cussed or told off color jokes like we heard at the meetings, that all worldly people did. He did chuckle to himself whenever someone else did though.
My elegant European ZaZa Gabor like Mom would say things like "Oh Sugar" or use the word "Blinkin" instead of swearing. "Oh Sugar...now look what I've done....I'll never get this blinkin thing finished in time"
Often she'd use the wrong phrase when speaking to Americans. One time as teenagers we kids were all in the kitchen while she was on the phone with one of her JW friends who was discouraged about her rebellious teen aged daughter. Instead of saying" Well Mary...try and keep your chin up" Mom said... "Well Mary....try and keep your PECKER UP" We all burst out laughing....milk coming out of our noses etc....We had no idea Mom would even know this word let alone use it on the phone with a Witness...especially a with sister who didn't even have one to keep up. She was pretty embarrased when we told her what it meant. Years later that sister would say" remember when your Mother told me to keep my "you know what" up?"
Did you keep any of your old JW paraphernalia?
by i_drank_the_wine infor those of us who have made the clean break, did you keep any of your old jw stuff?
books, "service" bag, etc?.
i didn't keep a shred myself.
Double Lives of JW Youth
by camicia ini posted a lengthy concern a while back about my 23 year old daughter on the verge of baptism.
the good news is she still hasn't progressed past studying - no door knocking thank god.
the bad news is she's still studying, attending meetings, etc and i am still very much a "satanic influence.
I think the JW kids are excluding her because they'd have to be a good example to her while she's studying. That's too much work/pressure/guilt when you want to go out and have fun yourself, especially if you're a typical JW youth and are leading a somewhat double life just to be able to do something other than meetings and service. Before she'd be included in the group, they'd need to first determine if she's the over the top super zelous new type or the kind that can bend the rules a little without running to the elders with stories or spoiling their only way of having a somewhat normal youth.
Too bad you couldn't arrange for your daughter to be at one of those places so she could get a glimpse of them herself.
Loosing loved ones to death while still a witness
by man in black injust wondering,,, have any of you lost family members or friends to death while you were still a jw ?.
if so, how did you feel about it while still a witness, and perhaps how did your viewpoint change after leaving, thinking that soon everything .
you were taught about the "coming new order" would become reality ?.
My Non Witness father studied for many years but never could bring himself to go from door to door. He knew the "TRUTH" inside out but just was too shy to do the preaching work so they stopped studying with him. He lived his life as a Witness would in every respect.
Years later he needed Bypass surgery. His doctor told him he'd be out of the Hospital in 3 days. The surgery went fine but on the second day, his blood count dropped dangerously low because of a leak in one of the arteries. After being assured by his doctor that he'd never need blood he signed the no blood papers just in case what he had learned about the blood issue from the JW's was true . Now because he was unconscious, he couldn't resend his directive. His blood count was too low for them to operate without blood so he continued to bleed until eventually he died.
When we were kids the Witnesses used to tell him that he would die at Armegeddon because he had come to an accurate knowledge but didn't get baptized, which really traumatized us kids. Now they all said that he'd be resurrected because he took a stand for Jehovah in the end. Even though they thought he was forgiven by Jehovah and deserving of everlasting life, they still wouldn't let us have his memorial at the Hall.
A few years later, Brooklyn decided it was OK to take blood fragments. If he'd have lived long enoug to learn this, he'd be alive today to enjoy his retirement and grandchildren. I'm sure he'd have realized that these people don't know what they are doing and have no business advising people on medical issues and would never have signed the no blood paperwork.
Religion/Mental Illness/Schizoprenia
by ranmac ini have a very close friend whos history of traumatic experiences and drug use has culminated into very severe mental and physical detioratation.
i dont want to get into personal information but one major symptom is that he has become religiously deluded about himself.
to be blunt, he believes he is a special prophet chosen by jehovah.
After reading some passages in the Bible it has occured to me that some of it's authors could have been experiencing what you are talking about .
Now that your friends mental state has deteriorated, he is recalling his religious knowledge in a distorted way and probably anything else that effected him deeply or caused him distress. If he'd have been raised a Hindu, he'd probably be having different delusions. Christian Mental paitents typically have Christian delusions. Amazingly, just the right medication targeting his specific deficicency, can be the silver bullet that puts him right again. Getting him in to be evaluated is the difficult part. Sometimes it means having the authorities intervene.
The patient often likes thinking of himself as Jesus or a Prophet which in turn makes it difficult for him to remain on stabilizing medications.
maintaining sanity
by wizardca insigh.
i've posted a few times mostly about personal life with the wt.
i haven't been to an indoctrinationsales meeting in years (7+?).
"don't you want to survive armageddon to see xyz?
Since you mentioned my name kind of...I thought I'd throw in my two cents !
I think I'd have answered their question by saying something like ..."If there really is to be a 'New System" I fully expect to be there. What makes you think I have ever done anything worthy of God destroying me or sentencing me to eternal cutting off...the same fate as Adolph Hitler or some Axe Murderer might receive ? I know you mean well but your question makes it sound as if you've made up your mind about me being a gonner....you've judged me and sentenced me to death ! What do you really know about my relationship with God to make that kind of a judgement call ?
by skeeter1 inso, i get a migraine a few times a year.
i usually take some advil and i'm fine.. but, this past month, i've had about 4 migraines.
one is coming on right now, and i'm about to take an advil.
I had regular monthly Migraines starting when I was in my mid teens. They'd always start out with seeing those dreaded white spots before my eyes...I'd head home knowing the day was ruined. Then It would progress into seeing things partially shadowed much like you do when you have a flash photo taken or look at the sun. Then it would progress into numbness in the hands and lips, slurred speach, sort of an out of body, spacey feeling accompained by nausea and a headache that would last all day and linger into the next. No medication would touch the pain. I noticed this happened especially when I'd drink a glass of orange juice. I thought it was all the sugar in it that was getting to me. The only thing that would really help the headache was to put a thick knit stocking hat on my head for padding and then slowly run an electric hand held massager set on low, over my skull for about 20 minutes. This would help the blood vessels relax and ease the pain.
This lasted well into my 30's until it dawned on me that these headaches started right after I got my first amalgam dental fillings when I was a teen. I had heard about others having this problem so I had old fillings removed and replaced with white composite fillings. BINGO ! ... I went from once or twice a month agony to no more Migraines. The orange juice apparently because it was acidic, was releasing some of the toxins in the metal fillings.
Google the subject and see what you can find out. I wouldn't wish these headaches on anyone. I'd rather have the Flu for a week than have another migrain. Try the massager techinique to ease the headaches until you can find out what is at the root of your particular Migrains. I still do this for the occasional "normal" headache or if I'm feeling stressed out. It sounds and looks kinda crazy but it really helped me.
"Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over."
by Mr. Falcon in(numbers 5:23-28) 23 and the priest must write these cursings in the book and must wipe them out into the bitter water.
24 and he must make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and the water that brings a curse must enter into her as something bitter.
25 and the priest must take the grain offering of jealousy from the womans hand and wave the grain offering to and fro before jehovah, and he must bring it near the altar.
I wonder how many Christians were stoned to death or run out out from among their people before the invention of Lie detectors and DNA testing.
T'was a great time indeed, to be a follower of the true God.