I have to admit that I was the "salvation" of many a conductor. If it looked like they were hanging there waiting for someone to raise their hand, I would raise mine. Even after I stopped attending, when I ran into him, he said he really missed my comments.
There were 2 of us that consistently saved the conductor, but waited until it was tense.
That was me very recently. I was visiting a congregation where virtually no one knew me, and on top of it the CO was visiting (not for his visit, but it was where he chose to attend during his "vacation"). There was absolutely no support from the audience and time-and-time again both me and CO would wait and wait seeing if any hands went up...finally one of us would raise our hand and save the conductor. It was a bit like a ping pong match with the mic runner between us...we'd wait (enough time to scan the paragraph and question since I really hadn't been paying attention), make eye contact and one of us would slowly raise a hand. Honestly, A.) I truly felt bad for the poor guy on stage, and B.) I just wanted to keep the meeting going so I could get the heck out of there.
Like anyone who grew up with their father as the WT and/or BS conductor, you gain a sixth sense when you realize he needs help (even if you're sitting in the front with most of the congregation behind you).
EDIT: I sometimes throw in references to the monthly broadcast...of course I never mention that I've only seen it because I visit here.