I think it all depends on the area where you live. I've encountered some JWs who wouldn't eat a turkey on Thursday just out of principle. But I know of plenty (myself included) who have no problem with that. In fact, my Wednesday night and Thursday morning will be spend prepping a large turkey and all the sides for guests-- elders and pioneers included. No one's dressing up like Pilgrims or American Indians (that I know of), but we all realize it's a perfect day to enjoy everyone's company and that it doesn't matter what type of food we eat. It just so happens that turkey is a very economical way to feed a large group...and what do you know, they were on sale at the grocery store this week!
I think it speaks to an issue that arises on this forum fairly often-- that for as many "fundamentalist" JWs that are out there, there are an ever-increasing number of JWs that see the dangers of being consumed by hard-and-fast (pharisaical) rules that frankly are difficult (or impossible) to support from the Bible. Just as long as my guests wash up to the elbows before they eat, my conscience will be clean...