The logic that JW's employ just irritates me. It's like arguing with a five year old.
JoinedPosts by MrFreeze
Bloodguilty By Preaching
by MrFreeze ini don't know if this is going to make sense to anyone, but here goes.. okay so according the jw elders in my hall "we can't say for sure whether or not certain people will die at armageddon.
" however, we know the jw stance is really "if you aren't a jw, you are doomed.
" but apparently these elders said that wasn't the case.
Bloodguilty By Preaching
by MrFreeze ini don't know if this is going to make sense to anyone, but here goes.. okay so according the jw elders in my hall "we can't say for sure whether or not certain people will die at armageddon.
" however, we know the jw stance is really "if you aren't a jw, you are doomed.
" but apparently these elders said that wasn't the case.
I don't know if this is going to make sense to anyone, but here goes.
Okay so according the JW Elders in my hall "We can't say for sure whether or not certain people will die at Armageddon." However, we know the JW stance is really "If you aren't a JW, you are doomed." But apparently these elders said that wasn't the case. They pretty much said if people didn't know about Jehovah's Witnesses, they would not be judged since they never got the chance to know about Jehovah.
So if we were to preach to somebody about Jehovah's Witnesses, they learned about the JW's, rejected the teachings and were ultimately destroyed in Armageddon, wouldn't I technically be bloodguilty? They would have never died at Armageddon if I hadn't told them about Jehovah's Witnesses.
Can anyone here SEE the "Run-Away Freight train" about to "Blind-Side" the WTBTS???
by foodalls ini just got off listening to the the tape about the teh bethlelite brothers and the case a member of the anointed has filed against a congregation about an illegal disfellowshiping...and both of these "brothers" have set this organization for a very hard fall!
but!...thats not what i see from what o got from these tapes....but it will be a big contributing factor (i actually feel sorry for those poor "ignorant" elders who will be left to "flap-in-the-wind" over this!!!
)..but its what ii know is comig about all religion that know for a fact!!!
Just remember everyone, foodalls looks at the movie Independence Day and thinks "documentary of future events". Save us Jeff Goldblum and Randy Quaid!
Punchdown arguments at the JW religion
by bottleofwater inwhat points are there that can refute the jw religion is one fell swoop?
those that can't be truthfully refuted....
The one I like to use is 607. It's the most damning of all refutations of JW's. It doesn't matter. True believers will just ignore it.
New Board members within the last 1 year.....
by stuckinamovement ini can't believe the amount of new posters this board is getting.
it seems as if every day there are at least 2 to 3.. if you are a new poster, what made you decide to stop lurking and start posting?
how many of us are there that have joined in the last year?.
I started coming here early this year and I started posting almost immediately.
One of my nephews passed away this evening
by mimimimi inhe was 23 years old.
he was depressed and took his own life.
no one had any idea he was contemplating something like this.
Sorry for your loss. It's just difficult to comprehend that it gets to a point where someone has to take their own life. My thoughts go out to you and your family in this time of great loss.
A History of God. Great Video I promise.
by whereami in"i explain how i learned from a history of god by karen armstrong that the evidence indicates that the jewish concept of monotheism evolved from the syncretism of various polytheistic sources like canaanite and babylonian polytheism".
. .
Very interesting video. I may have to delve into this a little more.
Westboro Baptist Church will picket funeral of "911 girl" killed in Arizona
by Gerard infuneral pickets to be met by 'angels'startclickprintexcludeendclickprintexclude by the cnn wire staff
january 11, 2011 9:04 a.m. esttucson, arizona (cnn) -- tucson just isn't that kind of town, says christin gilmer.. gilmer is referring to the actions of westboro baptist church of topeka, kansas, which has made its name protesting the funerals of people who died of aids, gay people, soldiers and even coretta scott king.. but when the church announced its intention to picket the funeral of a 9-year-old girl -- one of six people who died saturday during the attempted assassination of u.s. rep. gabrielle giffords -- gilmer and others put their feet down.. tucson is a "caring, loving, peaceful community," according to gilmer, who said two of the six people killed were friends.. "for something like this to happen in tucson was a really big shock to us all," she said.
"our nightmare happened when we saw westboro baptist church was going to picket the funerals.
Anybody who brings up "free speech" issues here, can a funeral not be considered a private event? Not only that but they are free to protest 300 feet away.
by Snoozy intonight's show is one i have been looking forward to seeing.
it is a story about a man that has over 2,000 rats in his home as pets!.
his house is a wreck, i could stand that .
It's a mental problem. It comes down to an inability to part with anything. All you need to do is look at how difficult it is for any of them to throw something away. It's clearly a mental illness.
by Snoozy intonight's show is one i have been looking forward to seeing.
it is a story about a man that has over 2,000 rats in his home as pets!.
his house is a wreck, i could stand that .
You know, this is the first time I've watched Hoarders. I've heard of it and I just so happened to catch it on. Man, these people want to make me cry. So depressing.