Most won't even try to think about it. After all the right thing to do is accept the direction of Jehovas Chariot no matter what. If pressed most if pressed almost any witless would say "I know it doesn't always make sense but then I remember I should wait on Jehovah and trust his earthly organization. Even if its wrong I should trust in god's spirit to direct things to a better course rather than to disply a rebellious and haughty attitude".......... blech......great I really should have typed that before I ate lunch......
JoinedPosts by techdotcom
What's the JW reaction to new 16 page mags????
by diamondiiz inif you've been to the meeting when the letter was read, what was jw reaction????
just curious if it was just another sign that the end is nearer or did any wake up for a second to realize the corporation is downsizing due to costs..
Has Anyone Been Present When a Dissident Spoke in KH?
by Band on the Run ini know some dissatisified members have planned to "throw caution to the wind" when they exit and break the news as a stunning revelation of lies.
some of my funniest memories were of teachers and others terminated but since they had to finish their contract, they decided to share their insights and horrors.
in normal life, there is a certain allowance made under the circumstances.
Not too long before I'd finally had all I could take, the summer of 2010, we were at the CA (i think) and when the brother wrapped up his talk at the end of sunday with a jab at the Avatar movie I said "He's kidding, right?" loud enough for a few rows ahead and back to hear. After we overheard some people a few rows in front making a comment along the lines of "Well you know they research this stuff very well before hand". Needless to say my wife was mortified and pretty pissed at me.
But he seriously caught me off guard. I had heard they were going to say something about Avatar and so I listened very carefully, waiting for the slam on spirituality in the movie or the violence or something like that. Nope he goes to the other, older meaning of the word avatar from eastern religions....I was totally expecting to smugly snort and jab my wife about an overeaction like with the Harry Potter movies or the smurf thing of old and instead he went comepletely off radar and used the wrong meaning for how the word was used in the movies title....I had got my self so on edge waiting for one thing that I just got suprised and forgot to keep my mouth shut. Very suprised no brothers came to talk to me. But I'd been inactive for 10 years so maybe they just figured to let it slide. Oh and the wife and I both liked the movie and had seen it, so she understood what I was saying. She was still pissed that I emberrased her
BTW - What really puzzles me is there is a perfect, popular cartoon "Avatar, the Last Airbender" that DOES use the word with the old meaning in mind. Just some of the stupidest people being put in a position of authority...........
But I've never been lucky enough to see a really good outburst, or brave enough to do it myself.
Can you be in Love with two persons? My Dilemma...
by Intel infirst, don't laugh.
i'm not some adolescent teen that is confused about his relationship.
what i am going to relate here has become a maior hard ship and is really gnawing at me.
Short answer in my opinion is yes, I agree with many of the posts that there is no limit to how many you can have affection and a connection with. I hesitate to use the word "love" simply because it can mean different things to different people. You can love a good friend and there be no sexual connection yet you may feel they are as part of your life as any spouse.
You have an opportunity and a tough path to follow in figuring out what your feelings mean to you and your loves. You may want to keep that connection to both but they may not agree or you may not feel like that is what you want and that you need to decide on one or the other in either case. There's no right or wrong answer here, just what you can make work and what everyone in this situation wants.
Your not a bad guy and did nothing wrong that I can see. No lying or cheating, you fell in love and thats great! But falling back in love with your ex isn't wrong either although it does understandably complicate things with both your new love and your ex. Just be honest with them and yourself and do your best.
It sounds as if all of you are interested in a traditional monogamous relationship, in that situation you will have to choose who to stay with as a partner. But there are other possible configurations that can work, with time and effort. Lots of people live happy and non monogomas lives with 2, 3 or more people they are intimate with and even share their lives. It's up to you to figure out what you want and make the best decision you can based on that.
Good luck and I'm sorry you find yourself in this difficult situation, I don't think anyone should have to choose who to love and force themselves to throw away any happiness because they are told its just how its supposed to be. What has worked for me may not work for you or be desirable but I urge you to at least give it some thought and maybe read some on polyamory and see if that could work for you and yours.
Too fat for the kingdom of God !
by koolaid-man informer jehovah's witness servant dick borghi along with elders in the lowell, ma.
congregation were asked by the circuit overseer to vote on whether to disfellowship overweight brothers and sisters.. this was very troubling to dick for two reasons.. 1... brother borghi thought it would be the responsibility of the faithfull and discrete slave to lay out a precise directive on the basis for this unusual request.
what criteria would have to be met to make such an awkward decision?.
I know of someone who, between diabeties and being very overweight could not do much, if anything in FS. Her husband was an elder and so the other elders and put a lot of pressure on them to have her do more than sit in the car, even though that's all she could do. The harrasment got to the point where someone who was the PO at one time and an elder still at that time, left the religion and were labled apostates.
Bottom line is this, if you are a promenent member of the religion or the wife of someone who is, you are going to find yourself in trouble and under pressure if you can't put in a good amount of time in FS in the traditional door-to-door way.
Sad thing was, this didn't keep them from believing. They are another example of one of those that leaves for some personal reason but still thinks that it's the "Truth".....
What is the spark that powers Evolution?
by N.drew ini have no idea, that is why i'm asking.
i did mention on another thread that need might be involed, but they said no.
so what powers evolution?
1) is not a possibility untill you demonstrate a necessity for "God" and define that entity. Not everone has the same idea of what that word even means.
2) While this item seems reasonable (At least more so than 1) you also fail to demonstrate WHY the universe needs to be old to explain how we got here. You hint that the process should have taken longer but fail to make any statements that can be analyzed as to how the current understanding of both the origins and evolution of life cannot be used for the current age of the universe.
3) ?? once agian look at number 1 and 2. you say this without the support of even a theoretical model that has the neccesity of this existing.
This is my last post on this and I'm sorry I got sucked into it in the first place. You don't want to learn and ask questions to then investigate. You want a simple quick explanation that you can understand without effort and time. You might be better served by asking any number of religions for this as they are tailored to your mindset perfectly.
What is the spark that powers Evolution?
by N.drew ini have no idea, that is why i'm asking.
i did mention on another thread that need might be involed, but they said no.
so what powers evolution?
They are related but one is not dependant on the other as a focus of study. You asked a very specific question and recieved some assistance in framing the answer given to you.
Abiogenisis deals with one aspect of what you consider to be the issue at hand, that is how did we get here from nothing. However, Evolution as a science does not include how life originated, just how it adapts and changes over time.
I would suggest that if you don't have time to study and understand some basic scientific principles then you are also wasting your and others time asking these questions as there is no way to answer them for you.
Don't make the same mistake I did
by Terry inin 1974 i had moved to california from texas and my nowhere jw janitor job to a real career in a field i loved.
i had packed my jw wife and 3 kids in my 1970 ford maverick and drove into the unknown.. mind you, this was on the very eve of a very "important date in human history".
I hear ya, I knew it was all bullshit for 10 years before I had the guts to say something to my wife. I just let my wife indoctrinate our kids and continue in it herself with as much support as I could stomach. I even attended the meetings for a couple of years toward the end just to hold our marriage together. After I talked to her and we were out (lots more detail than I will go into on this post) she confided that she had serious doubts about the time I stopped going to meetings....I missed an opportunity that cost us 10 years in that stupid religion and cost my two oldest kids some important developmental time. It could have cost us our family or worse. So even though your outcome was so much more tragic, I understand your feeling of guilt and shame, if not the magnitude.
That being said, while I carry that sense of responsibility, I also see that what I did whas what I believed to be the right thing at the time. To "live and let live", to show tolerance by example. But I also recognize my wifes own responsibility for her life and her decisions. While I COULD have known or seen her doubt and pursued it, I did not and felt it was wrong to tell another what they should believe. I would have even let her die with no blood, respecting that decision, even though I did not agree with it. I would not choose that based on what I know and have experienced since then but I still bear the knowledge of what I would have let happen.
Here's the thing, you do bear some responsibility for your lack of action, but your guilt is shared. Your wife made poor decisions and you did what you thought best at the time. I can not tell you how to live with that, but I can tell you that while you have a valid reason to feel the way you do, that you cannot, in fairness, be considered at fault. You did not cause her problems, you did not force her into making choices that ended so tragically. You could not have known all that would happen or undo what has been done, no one can.
You do have the opportunity to survive this, to learn from your and her mistakes and grow. Unlike what the witnesses teach, there is no perfect, you'll make more mistakes, often even after making a decision very carefully. Hang on and heal, for you, those who love you, and for all the rest of us that can use your perspective and wisdom that was hard earned. Fortunataly it sounds like you are doing just that.
The problem is this, people see the cartoon of the soldier in the wheelchair and any one with a heart is moved with the concept of what he sacrificed for his country. Then they just stop thinking when they read the caption. Then they immidiatly form a strong emotional reaction without thought to what is really just some kids showing a horrible lack of manners, NOT someone pissing on the fallen soldier sitting in the chair and not someone necessarily making a political point.
Grow up, think for yourselves, stop letting a picture that is the emotional equivelent of the cat in the "hang in there" pic drive your anger and moral outrage.
As for the other posts on the war in Iraq and such, seems completly off topic and distracts from issue of weather or not failing to stand and pledge alligiance to the flag and country is inherently disrespectful to a soldier disabled in service to his country.
Oh btw here is a nice link to show the orginal way to salute the flag. See any similiarities to socialist regimes of the past.....?
The pledge of Allegiance has NOTHING to do with respecting our soldiers and our hard won freedoms. It is entirely the result of a socialist flag salesman who needed a hook to sell more flags. Originally this pledge also did not include the words "under god" as well. If we are free citezens then our government should be pledging alligiance to it's citezens not the other way around.
The cartoon is offensive to anyone who really understands the meaning of freedom and see's the nature of the pledge for what it is. I do not bow to a king, flag or god. I do however have great respect for the honor shown and the sacrifices made by our soldiers. They make a pledge to serve and sign away many of their rights to preform their duty. We are not only under no obligation to do so, but we should consider ourselves lax in our duty and responsibility to accept an oath like the pledge for general civilian use. Our job is to question and to even fight our own government if necessary in order to protect our freedoms. Let's not forget how this country got started in the first place.
I don't, however, tell my kids not to say the pledge. I see no reason to make a big point about it normally. But the cartoon and the blind patriotic attitude shown in it is highly offensive. Don't preach to me about how to appreciate our freedoms and get off the moral high horse formed from a false attidude about the meaning of the flag or the pledge.
Here is a link to a wiki on the history of the pledge.