Scooby, want to trade jobs?
I got my degree in technical/specialized journalism and have worked in marcom/publishing for the last 15 years or so. I've had regrets for the last five years or so that I didn't train in nursing, which I think was really my calling. And I'm so incredibly bored with my job. I edit the most mind-numbing technical articles, some of them so badly written it's pathetic.
I'm half joking about trading jobs, of course. Yes, I'm really fed up with my job, too, for some of the same reasons (layoffs, short staffed, stupid management moves, etc.) but you're dealing with life-and-death matters, while I just deal with words and bad authors and deadlines. Your situation puts my job dissatisfaction into perspective.
I've thought a lot about changing careers, too. They always say that your skills "transfer" to other areas. But in these times of high unemployment and scarce jobs, I'm not sure such a career move is possible right now. It's frustrating, isn't it? I agree with you about the management side of the job, though. I've managed staff, and I'm much happier now being a peon and having to worry only about myself. Maybe you should give up the management position and go back to being staff. That would alleviate at least part of the stress.
In the meantime, soaking up the sun in Greece sounds like a good short-term solution. Good luck, whatever you decide to do.
Julie Feuerbacher