As most of you know one of our long time posters, "Mommy"/Wendy, is expecting a baby in the very near future. As some of you may not know (and I hope she doesn't plot my murder for discussing it) Wendy is going through some real tough times. She could use a few things for the baby considering getting by with two other children is difficult enough!
Anyway, apparently she has had enough inquiries and has finally broken down and Registered somewhere where anyone who wants to can purchase something she needs and send it off to her and the new bundle of joy.
Here is the link that will take you right to the page where her baby wish list begins:
I also thought this the perfect opportunity for many of those Right to Life folks to defy allegations that they don't really care about the baby once the child is out of the womb, so long as abortion wasn't chosen as it offends their religious beliefs. Here is the golden opportunity you have been looking for to help support a mom who had plenty of excuses to abort but chose life instead, in spite of added (sometimes overwhelming) difficulties (and who could use a hand right about now too).
Thank you all in advance for any and all generosity you show this lady who has been quite kind hearted and uncomplaining in her situation.
Warm regards,
Julie, who's been there and knows how hard it can be....
P.S. Anyone who is interested in pitching in for a larger item please let me know and we can start a pool for that...all ideas welcome....not to mention the highly valued plain ol' fashioned good wishes if that's what you can afford right now.....