Let's have a baby shower!!!

by Julie 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Howdy Adonai,

    I thought they were nuts when they said you completely forget about the pain when you hold your baby but it's true!Off to baby shop now!
    That would be a debatable point, imo. I can remember quite well, all three times. I was so tired after delivering my girl (first at age 20), I rolled off the table onto the table with wheels on my stomach. They wanted to know if I wanted to hold my new girl. I said no, I was too tired. Obviously, that *mother instinct* hadn't kicked in yet.

    They laughed, kinda made me feel bad - so I rolled over and held her. She looked like a little eskimo, and I'm glad I made the effort. They rolled me into recovery and gave me a Pepsi, which immediately fell over and soaked my bed because I went to sleep that fast. Nurses weren't that pleased.........

    Remembering or not.....still worth it.

    I wouldn't take a million dollars for my child - and I wouldn't give you a plugged nickel for another one. Mother Unknown

    Btw, Wendy's have a boy!


  • mommy

    Hey all
    Termite asked:

    Do we tell of episiotomies and piles; engorged breasts and labour pains, or is it a party to take your mind off what's to come??!!!

    NOOOOO! Please let's not talk of the unpleasants hereI feel like such a complainer now.

    my personal best; i'm sure you will agree is an impressive 6 minutes that put me in shock and in need of a stiff drink from the midwife; amazing stuff in their bags...take a peek)

    What a woman! I am really glad they will be doing a c-section. I still will have a bit of labor pains if I start early but, that pain will be gone as soon as I get to the hospital. That is of course if I make it to the hospital...now you are scaring me

    i'm off to talk to the cat.~termite

    LOL I love that line, if I had a cat, he would have an earful!


    My "personal best" was getting only to the hospital door and then delivering in the hallway. Nurse threw a mattress on the floor and I laid down.......
    Oh man! Kinda makes you wonder why they spend so much money on those birthing rooms now. The hospital I am going to has a jacuzzi in the room, private shower, surround sound and some other extras. I would be bummed if I had to pay for all that, only to deliver in the hallway. Husband parked the car the whole time? HAHA I bet you are lucky to find a parking spot that is not 1 mile from teh hospital, at this one anyway.


    It's one of the few ways, but not the "only way". Trust me on that.
    LOL Oh you so bad! I recieved your gift today Thank you! Timmy wanted to know if he and sis could use it as walkie talkies until the baby gets here. Of course I stubbornly said no, as I "played" with it a bit myself today I forgot how well those work for spying on the kids. lol It is definatly a present that has many uses.

    I agree! 6 minutes is just not fair! My mom said out of 8 children that I was the worst labor. It was 36 hours and she said it would not have been bad if my head was not so big...lol I was number 5 and I often wondered if I was so bad why she kept going with the other 3. Oh well, I have the distinction of being the worst labor in my family, what a badge huh?

    That is so strange, usually they get easier, well faster the more you have. Just goes to show there are no guarantees. Today I recieved the bouncer Thank you! Now I must figure out how to put it together.Such a delicate task can only be done by me. I don't think I could trust anyone else to put it together. I think it is great because it has a reclining feature as well, that will allow him to sleep comfortably, after being lulled to sleep. I love it! Thank you!

    Okay, okay I be good I promise! I recieved your gifts today as well. WOW! You were so generous. Thank you very much. I feel inclined to tell you, that I will be using the diapers as burp pads. I will be nursing, and I found with the last two babies that the diapers worked well. They tend to be cheaper than traditional burp pads. I want to let you know how touched I am by your kindness and giving spirit. I even shared with my sister how we do not know each other that well, and yet you were so willing to reach out and give a helping hand at this time of need. Your kindness will not be forgotten.

    I agree you forget about the pain, well until you get up to walk around. Until you try to go to the bathroom, etc. But it is all forgotten to hold your baby and look into his/her eyes. I will never forget those first moments, and I even have the pleasure of one of Miranda staring back at me. A nurse took the picture over my shoulder and her eyes are soo huge, I was not the only one taking in as much as I could. They are so precious. I am having a boy, and would love any hand me downs that you can spare. Be sure to save some for him though. That way when he gets older you can pass them down.

    I agree with the socialization part. They are several homeschooling leaugues around here that meet a few times a month and even have sporting teams that I have contacted. They also have their cousins, and their friends from their old school they have outings with. I am not sure if this will be permanant, I want to finish out the year now. I am really enjoying it, I mean really! I know it will be much harder when I start working outside of the home, but I will deal with that when the time comes. The kids are happy now, and they are able to see both sides and will be active in the decision if we do this next year or not. Looking forward to your email Kiss Julius for me.

    Truth be told, that was my favorite thing on the wish list. I felt kinda guilty picking it out...lol When we opened it, the kids said, "Mommy, your friends must really love you! They got your favorite thing." Thank you my friend. BTW they wrapped it in a reusable burlap sack, which I plan on reusing again and again. Thank you!

    Skeptic and Windrider
    Thank you! The fleece blanket will keep JR very warm on his way home from the hospital, it is sooo soft! And the diaper bag is soft as well, I thought it was plastic, but I will be able to throw it in the washer and dry it and not worry about it cracking like a plastic one does. Thanks again


  • hippikon

    Our youngest has out grown most of his Baby stuff already. (bassinet etc) Pity we cant get it to you somehow. I’d love to get it out of the house.

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    all these birth stories are great! Are we just the best or what?!!!UP THE WOMEN! (on second thoughts maybe not; that,s what got us in this trouble in the first place)

  • waiting


    Yeah, it took me 3 to figure out what got me in that predicament. Bought a damned tv for the bedroom. Always heard that Johnny Carson (late nite tv host) was the best birth control around.

    Btw, I failed to mention that when I rolled over onto my stomach after delivering my baby - along with being tired --- the absolutely heavenly feeling of laying on my stomach with Just The Best!!!

    What we remember!


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    waiting,we are most definately on the same wavelength!!!The stomach thing is just so weird! It takes a while to register too, dos'nt it?!Then you have a bath and look at your stomach..AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!Where does all that excess skin go? I've read you grow extra to accomodate the bump(if not you'd apparently split!!)Does it un-grow?! is that a word?you forget all this;oh, god and that alien feeling when they're really strong and having a good stretch...and you can see a foot or hand or head trying to ESCAPE.oH, But the worst was thinking 'i can have a drink now!) and then remembering i could'nt until i'd finished breast feeding- what a downer that one was; it got me every time!!!

  • Scully

    mommy writes:

    I recieved your gift today Thank you! Timmy wanted to know if he and sis could use it as walkie talkies until the baby gets here. Of course I stubbornly said no, as I "played" with it a bit myself today I forgot how well those work for spying on the kids. lol It is definatly a present that has many uses.

    You're so right that a nursery monitor has many uses! When I was on bedrest with my 3rd, it came in handy for whenever I needed someone to wait on me! It was also useful in the early days after the baby's arrival when I was busy nursing and needed a glass of water or juice (or a something stronger... j/k!!)

    We had the book study in our home at the time when I was on bedrest, too, and not wanting to miss out on the "spiritual food", I set up the nursery monitor so that I could listen in on the study while upstairs in bed. We had a few sisters with babies in our group, and once my daughter was born, we let our bedroom be used as a nursing room, as I kept a rocking chair there. Everyone was very impressed at how they didn't really have to miss any part of the book study to go feed their baby.

    The sisters all thought it was a wonderful idea, and soon all the book study groups in the congregation were using the baby monitors to help the new mothers in this way. However, when the CO found out about it, a "Local Needs" talk put the skids to the idea, because sisters were "isolating" themselves and "not showing appreciation" for the book study, and effectively "foresaking the gathering of yourselves together as some have the custom". Within a few weeks, the book study groups were re-organized and the 'privilege' was taken away from us and given to someone else who did not have baby monitors in their home.

    Anyway, I know you'll put it to good use!! I kind of wish I still had mine, I think it would be handy to have in case the elders ever stop in and I need to discreetly record the conversation!

    Love, Scully

    In the desert things find a way to survive. Secrets are like this too. They work their way up through the sands of deception so men can know them. - The X Files

  • mommy

    A TV in the bedroom will that work? Hmm maybe I will snag Miranda's then I know I am done, no more lessons needed to be learned here. Tom is just getting started he says! This is his first and he wants two more. Of course with modern medicine progressing as it has, I suggested he wait so he can be the one who carries the next one

    Scully, that sounds just like something the brothers would do. I mean they openly discourage having children to begin with. I know the halls we had usually had a nursing room with a speaker and a rocking chair, a place to change the baby etc. There were usually a handful of woman and sometimes men who were in there the whole meeting. I didn't have any kids, I always took others in there though. Great break from the stifling main hall. And I saved alot of whoopings from taking place by parents I knew had short tempers.

    We receieved a few more gifts and I wanted to give a thank you to those who sent them. We did recieve a very large gift anonymously, and I wanted to thank that person as well. It was 6 items from the wish list. I would like to say thank you to that person as well...please email me

    I need your email please. Thanks for your thoughfulness, you went above and beyond what I would expect for one person. Maybe it is because you have never been to a shower before Nah I know what a good heart you have and what a great guy you are. BTW the circumsision threads may get some perusing this week by me. Since it was there that you made me think about my personal decision on this.

    Thanks sweetie! I will be sending you out something soon. The kids got in on the act and wanted to thank you as well. So brush up on your reading skills. They write in phonics most of the time

    Did I spell that right? LOL thanks for your gift. I did not even have that on the registry, that is cool you thought of that! Thanks again

    The outfits are so cute thank you! I have so enjoyed getting to know more of you on this thread. You are a hoot! Too bad we could not have done this in real life. Perhaps one day.

    And please Mr/Mrs Anon send me an email please

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