Maximus: That is exactly what I was referring too. I actually LOL when I read that jewel yesterday.
JoinedPosts by julien
All that waisted Time!
by Ranchette ini can't tell you how many times while out in service i would have these disturbing feelings:"this is such a waist of time.
""we are just driving our life away from nh to nh!
" and"i'm acompolishing absolutly nothing!
All that waisted Time!
by Ranchette ini can't tell you how many times while out in service i would have these disturbing feelings:"this is such a waist of time.
""we are just driving our life away from nh to nh!
" and"i'm acompolishing absolutly nothing!
I have yet to meet any of those people who the Watchtower and AWAKE! were always quoting as to how they thought the wintesses were so wonderful.
I am more interested in meeting these science teachers who sing the praises of the creation book and brochure.. I want to make sure to keep my kids the HELL out of that school.
Giving god the finger.
by outcast in.
Giving up your finger is nothing; far worse is giving up your right to think for yourself. And being proud of it.
Resurrection, the best deal?
by joelbear inif you die before armageddon without hearing "the good news", you pay with your sins with your death and are resurrected into a paradise earth where you get to meet all of your resurrected family and friends and be taught the good news without satan and his demons and without being distracted by having to make a living, sickness, natural disasters, etc.
etc.. seems to me that is the best deal.
and if so, then, aren't jehovah's witnesses doing people a disfavor by offering them "the good news" now during this stressful time when if they reject it they will be destroyed at armageddon.. of course, there is no free lunch.
This is a great point Joel; by JW logic, they would be doing people a favor if they had a worldwide door-to-door murdering work. Ironically, by murdering the householder before Jehovah has a chance, the householder would have much better chance at Everlasting Life (tm) in the long run! But would this be considered running ahead of Jehovah?? Mature christians would wait on Jehovah to murder such-like ones at the appointed time. How glad our hearts will be to see Him take infants [with non-JW parents] and dash them to pieces on rocks.
just another example of the mixed up odd logic of JWism.
From The Witness Zone
by Stephanus in .
have you ever witnessed to a telemarketer?.
one day this sister i got rained out.
Look at the bright side. Converting them to be GB worshippers (aka JWs) is probably the best way to get revenge on telemarketers.
Russell as "That Servant"; Re: Dunsscot
by AlanF insince dunsscot claims he's leaving this board, and in answer to my specific request for a committment to answer all replies i might give to his latest replies to my previous dissections of his nonsense he said that he would not, i won't be giving a detailed reply to him.. however, dunsscot's posts contain a number of statements that prove how easily the watchtower society fools the jw community by lying to it, either outright or in so many words.. in this post we will examine a fiction that the society has managed to get poor people like dunsscot to believe with respect to c. t. russell, namely, that russell never claimed that he was "the faithful and wise servant" of matthew 24:45. the simple truth is that russell did indeed believe it.
the fact that he did was printed in the watch tower, and the society itself taught it until about 1927.. let's first look at the context of dunsscot's denial of this important bible student teaching.
in the set of exchanges below, the reader can see that dunsscot is attempting to deny that jw leaders claim to be god's exclusive earthy spokesmen.
Duncecap we would all be interested in seeing you reply to the relevant points AF made..
passage in a book I read
by julien inwhat the cantos lacked in sales it made up for in negative reviews:.
archaic .
What the Cantos lacked in sales it made up for in negative reviews:
"Indecipherable. . . archaic . . . irrelevant to all current concerns," said the Times Book Section. "M. Silenus has committed the ultimate act of noncommunication," wrote Urban Kapry in the TC2 Review, "by indulging himself in an orgy of pretentious obfuscation."(M. Silenus relating reaction to his work "Cantos" in the [excellent SF] book Hyperion by Dan Simmons)
This was close to my reaction after Dunscott's initial posts.
The guys used to do that gesture on The Young Ones all the time.
Concerning Supercalifragilisticexpealideosis
by messenger ini used a bigger word than dunscot......
Fair game to make fun of intelligence.
No, more accurately we are making fun of the IMHO misuse or inappropriate/excessive use of intelligence. Not the same thing at all.
Calling it drivel is not anti-intellectual, I am merely likening it to a continuous flow of drool coming from dunscott.
Forest Gump, now that was anti-intellectual.
Concerning Supercalifragilisticexpealideosis
by messenger ini used a bigger word than dunscot......
If there is an anti-intellectual bias to this board, why isn't it also directed at other intelligent posters here? Why is it that only Dunscott elicits this response? I think "Hmmmm" hit the nail right on the head.
It isn't just big words -- it's this continual need to spout obscure references to -isms no one has heard of or cares about, or what some philosopher wrote that is not even remotedly connected to everyday human experience.
This is not a philosophy bboard.. it is about JW and ex-JW issues. The participants want to discuss them without having to wade thru a lot of so called intellectual drivel.. Also I think people get annoyed because they sometimes perceive Dunscott is using impenetrable (thanks MD) dialogue to avoid answering tough questions.
Here's an example. I also am a computer professional. When my mom asks me how to send an email attachment, I am not going to start telling her how to write an email system in Common Lisp and explaining the internals of SMTP and TCP/IP to her.. Yet this is exactly how Dunscott seems to approach this forum. I feel sorry for Duns' mom if she ever comes to him with a computer question.
One last thing, while I agree that certain words my express certain ideas/concepts more precisely (eg interlocutor vs. poster), I feel it is more important to communicate effectively than to communicate precisely.. When you get that precise you are likely to lose your audience (case in point: this board), whereas by using more common, less precise terminology most readers will still get the point and will actually stick around to read the message.