Bboy: good post, thanks.. I am starting to get sick of reading the posts on here that seem to advocate doing nothing.
JoinedPosts by julien
Military reponse? Or lets not cause more violence
by bboyneko inwhat to do if you happen upon a peace rally by stupid naive hemp-shirt-wearing college idiots, to teach them why force is sometimes needed: .
1) approach dumb rich ignorant student talking about "peace" and saying there should be, "no retaliation.
2) engage in brief conversation, ask if military force is appropriate.
Osama's Fate?
by Englishman inif osama bin laden is captured and has to come to trial, what should his punishment be if he is found to be guilty of the murder of over five thousand people?.
would europeans accept any us demands for execution?.
this could get very complicated!.
1. Shave his head and beard
2. give him breast implants
3. 12 months of feminizing hormones
4. transexual operation
5. brittany spears outfit
6. "clockwork orange" style reconditioning for western culture
7. deliver him to back the middle of KabulThis would also be great for those wonderful Taliban folks.
http: //
Don't know why the above picture link doesn't show properly. I inserted a space between the : and / so it wouldn't show as a red X.
I kinda liked it.. I'll give it several more episodes see how the writing is.
nuff said
What Islamic Fundamentalists are really afraid of;
by Abaddon in... is women.
(from the daily telegraph, a british national paper).
in the next few days, our boys will be taking on the taliban, and we must all pray they succeed.
I want a bumper sticker that says
Bin Laden has a 3 inch dick
Will YOU be the next dead American?
by Nathan Natas ini respectfully request that you take a few moments to read the following article, and i would appreciate hearing your responses.. - - - -.
future widows of america: write your congressman.
by ann coulter.
Where is America going? Quit with the jingoism and talk about reality
Where would America be now if jets had hit the White house and Capitol? What will happen to the economy if we get another 100 billion hit from another attack? Can we survive it?
Will YOU be the next dead American?
by Nathan Natas ini respectfully request that you take a few moments to read the following article, and i would appreciate hearing your responses.. - - - -.
future widows of america: write your congressman.
by ann coulter.
I don't know if you watched 60 Minutes II last night, but a professor from Harvard (?) was on there, she said the tool that terrorists are taking advantage of is that as Americans we don't know our neighbors anymore.
The people in Florida living near those hijakers DID KNOW THEM. It is not hard for these scumbags to pretend to be normal citizens. This is no great mystery. It is like every time some serial killer is revealed his neighbors all say "Wow, like he was just a regular guy". If there are still terrorists in this country (everyone keeps saying there are), at some point they will kill more Americans, and their neighbors will again say "Wow they were just normal neighbors". All these people need is the order to attack someone or something. They hate you as an American, they would as soon chop your head off as shake your hand.
Star Trek: Enterprise: What did you think?
by slipnslidemaster inok, i know that i'm not the only star trek geek out there.
i know tons of dubs (ex dubs) that love star trek because it's one of the only interesting shows that they are allowed to watch.. anyway, did you watch the first episode tonight?
i'm pretty sure with the one scene, that the dubs will be reproving some for masterbation tomorrow night.. oh and what's your favorite kingdumb song?
"Subcommander Ni'pple" is good, but I prefer "Countess Nippula"... anyway what a hottie.. I love Star Trek (can't wait for STTNG 5 day marathon on 10.1) but even if I wasn't I would almost watch it just to see her in the skin tight outfit and future (hopefully) rubdown scenes..
Scene: T'Pau and Men getting ready to go to a planet
Doctor: the atmosphere is compatible so there shouldn't be any problem breathing
Male party members: what about harmful contaminents, where can we find those? -
Paradise - I Think I'll Pass........
by Black Man inone thing that has always kinda ticked me off with the society depiction of paradise, is the completely bland, devoid of personality, stepford wives-ish look given to paradise pics in the publications over the years.
peeps walkin' around smilin' for no reason, no attention given to a cultivation of technology, the arts, space exploration.
there never seemed to be any point to paradise.
Seeker, how are you going to find an earthworm that lives 1 trillion years? Your point is moot. JEHOVAH WINS!!! HURRAY FOR THE TROOT!
Farkel, here's that picture of "Will Smith...
by Tallyman infarkel when you said that a picture of a watchtower portrayal.
of d&d existed in one of their publications... just the other day.... of actor will smith (or someone looking exactly like him) existed,.
and to let you know if i found it.... well, a compatriot in denmark scanned it and put it on his website.. look at lower right corner.. striking resemblance!.
The guy in the center could be Bobcat Goldthwait..