Greetings Amazing:
Yes, I must agree with much if what you say.
As evidence by continuous false prophecy, the Wt. are NOT who they say they are. They say they are NOT prophets and yet they prophecy.
Are you or aren't you? When its convenient they are! We all know that.
Yes, many claim to possess holy spirit. Whether or not they do or not the scriptures tell us "by their fruits you will recognize them."
Also, when we "test out inspired utterances from them" if WE possess that spirit, our spirit will bear witness with theirs. That is the unity our lord wanted and prayed for for HIS disciples.
Remember though, there are SHEEP and there are HIS SHEEP (John 10)
There are the sheep that HEAR HIS VOICE AND FOLLOW THE LAMB WHEREVER HE GOES. Walking by faith and not sight. With spirit and truth. Allowing the spirit to control the flesh and not the flesh to control the spirit.
These are christs brothers, the body of christ that are in the covenant and remain in union with it. They are also spiritual true virgins that are not yoked to any other except our lord. Not involved in spiritual adultery by allowing other churches to teach them.
Then there are sheep that are separated during the 1,000 yr. reign that simply do GOOD to the LEAST of one of christs brothers.
They are counted as sheep for doing good to the brothers although they themselves are not.
Yes, granted on many occasions when you have received holy spirit, when the spirit in trying to teach you and you are listening, it does hit you like a 'chill'. That is a witness to you that a matter is established as a fact.
So, as a fellow slave of christ, I hope you agree with my sharing. If not, let me know and why.
May you have peace