Yes 1914 is the biggesr crock....In their history of arriving upon 1914, this was by pyramidiology something they later learned to be demonic therefore did away away with it. BUT they kept the date. GO FIGURE!!!!
Christ BEGAN his rule when he said "ALL authority in heaven and earth has been given me." Matthew 28:18 How much authority does one need to be reigning?
That started when he ascended back to his father 40 days later.
The famous scriptures the WTBS uses to prove "HE SAT" til 1914 is Psalms 110:1,2.... Yes, he says "SIT at my right hand" Doesn't mean he is not reigning as he is sitting.
Notice he says "til I place your enemies as a stool for your feet."
NOW read 1 Corinthians 15:25. "He would RULE as king until ALL enemies are put under his feet."
He was ruling as he was sitting...
If he was waiting acording to the WTBS til ALL enemies are under his feet then.... technically he IS STILL NOT KING. Cause the LAST enemy is "death" is it not? And we are still awaiting its destruction. Being thrown into the "lake of fire."
It is quite simple my friend
May you have peace