Any who have lived long enough OR have taken the time to check will recall/discover that there were a spate of communist (i.e. ideology) related hi-jackings about 20-30 years ago. They were the original hi-jackers.
greetings and felicitations,.
just a quick thought: would an atheist ever be a suicide hijacker/bomber?
i think not, because an atheist would not believe they would be in heaven/paradise, etc.
Any who have lived long enough OR have taken the time to check will recall/discover that there were a spate of communist (i.e. ideology) related hi-jackings about 20-30 years ago. They were the original hi-jackers.
i would exhort you to first ask... and then listen... to the master's voice on the matter, and if you cannot 'hear'... or exercise faith in what you 'hear'... then go to the 'scriptures'.
for indeed, it is 'written'... in the scriptures.
it is not, however, 'written' in the letters, histories, chronologies and gospels.
Now, normally, I wouldn't presume to answer for Shelby, but, it is obvious to even me that this response ...
Dearest Julie... may you have peace... and dear one, I answered the question. In truth... and in quite some detail. If you did not 'hear' and/or 'get the sense of it'... I am not sure how to proceed from here. Perhaps you can review what I was given to share... and tell me SPECIFICALLY what you did not understand. Okay? Okay. And, again, peace to you.
... is in response to the main question of the thread, ...
What does God really want?
... while this response ...
Dearest Julie... may you have peace... and may you know and understand that in ALL truth... I had not yet received an answer until earlier today. Seriously. And so until then, I didn't even entertain your question. But, my Lord has condescended to make a reply ...
... is in response to your specific question ...
Judges 4:21
And Jael the wife of Heber proceeded to take a pin of the tent and to put the hammer into her hand. Then she went to him stealthily and drove the pin through his temples and beat it into the earth while he was fast asleep and weary. So he died.Judges 5:24-26
Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite will be most blessed among women, among women in the tent she will be most blessed. Water he asked, milk she gave; In the large banquet bowl of majestic ones she presented curdled milk. Her hand to the tent pin she then thrust out, and her right hand ot the mallet of hard workers. And she hammered Sisera, she pierced his head through, and she broke apart and cut up his temples.My question is: If I drive a tent spike through the temples of some guy's head can I too be "most blessed among women in the tent"?
... which I simply took as rhetorical the first time through, too.
and at risk of further appalling and perhaps even traumatizing some here... i must say that i wonder.... do you think this is what hiroshima 'felt' like for those victimized by it?
oh, ummmm... sorry, that's right: "they"... "deserved" it.
forgive me.
Dare I say that the U.S. atomic bombing of Nagasaki, and Hiroshima, Japan, were, are, and, will continue to be, a controversial issue. If you were to ask me of my opinion on the matter, I (who, like many of you, wasn’t around when THAT decision was made), off the top of my head, would say that I would have preferred a different course of action.
I think that, as we consider this, we ought to attempt to see THAT decision in the context in which it occurred. The U.S., undeniably, had attempted to avoid entering the war, and only entered the war when definitively U.S. interests were attacked. Japan’s primary ally in the war, Germany, had been defeated, at a cost of millions of lives, after an all-too-successful assault upon her neighbors in Europe. Japan’s assaults against the U.S. had also been turned back, likewise, at a cost of numerous military casualties. Military experts assured our government leaders that a successful invasion of the Japanese islands (one alternative considered to bring the Japanese to surrender) would be long, costly, and difficult. Let’s be clear here … the Japanese were beaten (though today we might have talked about the threat of Japanese terrorism … remember the kamikazi’s?), and Germany was beaten. On the other hand, the specter of a Soviet threat was growing (it is widely accepted that the dropping of the bombs was as much to intimidate the Soviets, as it was for any other purpose). It is in the midst of this highly-charged political context that the decision to drop atomic bombs on (2) Japanese cities, each connected, in some way, with the Japanese war effort, was made. The documents say that Truman initially specified that only military targets would be considered, but somehow that resolution was lost/modified, so that the highly civilly populated cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were ultimately targeted, resulting in a massive loss in civilian life.
Fast-forward to September 11-13, 2001. Terrorist attacks on the U.S. destroy/damage significant landmarks in key American cities. It is estimated that the number of American casualties will exceed 10,000. All U.S. air-travel is grounded for a period of no less than (2) days. American citizens stage a massive rescue/recuperation effort for victims of the attacks. The president promises Americans that justice will be meted out to those responsible, and thousands are assigned the task of ferreting out the truth.
I predict that the action ultimately taken by the U.S. government, in response to the terrorist attacks, will be measured, and will be focused toward eliminating the threat of further terrorism in the world.
Hopefully, the measures taken will be more effective than the, apparently, ineffective measures we’ve taken in response to terrorism in the past. I was shocked to learn that the (6) individuals convicted of the original bombing of the World Trade Center in ’93 (6 killed, 1000 wounded), are each currently serving life-sentences. Of course, (1) of (2) convicted participants in the more recent Oklahoma City bombing has been executed, and the state of Oklahoma is gearing up to try the other participant, Terry Nichols, with the death penalty as a goal. As regards this latest act of terrorism on U.S. soil, the current investigative activity by the Federal Government suggests that the accordance of recompense ONLY to those actually guilty (whether of the crime OR of harboring the criminals), rather than mounting a more broad response, even in regard to those dancing in the streets, is yet a guiding principal.
Do I see moral progress?
i would exhort you to first ask... and then listen... to the master's voice on the matter, and if you cannot 'hear'... or exercise faith in what you 'hear'... then go to the 'scriptures'.
for indeed, it is 'written'... in the scriptures.
it is not, however, 'written' in the letters, histories, chronologies and gospels.
I'll throw this in ...
Mic 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
ok, after reading some of the responses in the mental health and depression forum ... and of the mormons' urging of their followers to have large families, ... and participating in the discussion on the costs associated with having and raising children, ... the question comes up ... .
for those of you with children or not, or those contemplating having children or not, ... what factors did/do you consider in making your decision (or, was there any decision-making involved)?.
do you think children, largely, are just a by-product of sexual activity between fertile men and women, ... or are there other, deeper issues involved?.
Ok, after reading some of the responses in the Mental Health and Depression Forum ... and of the Mormons' urging of their followers to have large families, ... and participating in the discussion on the costs associated with having and raising children, ... the question comes up ...
For those of you with children OR NOT, or those contemplating having children OR NOT, ... what factors did/do you consider in making your decision (or, was there any decision-making involved)?
Do you think children, largely, are just a by-product of sexual activity between fertile men and women, ... or are there other, deeper issues involved?
Do you think that this is something which is largely pre-programmed in us, or is it something we learn from our cultural environments. Do you think attitudes toward childbearing are changing, and do you see any implications for the future of the human race in this?
my father was rushed by ambulance from his rest home to st. marks hospital in salt lake city, utah friday, but i only just heard about it.
i received a call from the floor nurse and she told me he is not expected to live.
his lungs are filled fill up with fluid and are continuing to fill u with more fluid: he has pneumonia.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your father. I have been inspired by your devotion to him and your expression of your feelings for him. You have shared your pain with us and there are few men who would have the courage to do as you have done. From your words, I have come to realize that you have had a outstanding father and that he raised a outstanding son.
when did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked, and clothe you?
he was talking about food, clothing, shelter and supplication to the least of the brothers.
he could not be talking about anything else and here is why: could any human offer jesus spiritual food?
If Jesus had the ability to feed thousands why didn't he pass that gift on to his disciples?
He did. There's a lot more of us than there was of Him. I agree that Matthew 25 and Luke 10 are not saying that it part of the Christian's responsibility to SOLVE the world's problems (i.e. disease, hunger, homelessness, etc.). However, I do believe that JESUS is saying that we should, each one, do what we can do. That we should not turn a deaf ear to the cries of the needy. Further support for this is found in the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:25-33). I know that this is not the underlying meaning JESUS is imparting with this story, but, certainly, we can see the danger in NOT doing what we CAN for those who are in need.
when did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked, and clothe you?
he was talking about food, clothing, shelter and supplication to the least of the brothers.
he could not be talking about anything else and here is why: could any human offer jesus spiritual food?
You Know,
What, per the Bible passages in question (Matthew 25 and Luke 10), is the DIFFERENCE in how JESUS instructs us to CARE for our BROTHER and/or our NEIGHBOR?
when did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or naked, and clothe you?
he was talking about food, clothing, shelter and supplication to the least of the brothers.
he could not be talking about anything else and here is why: could any human offer jesus spiritual food?
You Know,
Well, if its not clear from Matthew 25, then what of JESUS's parable of the Good Samaritan, found in Luke 10:30-37? Certainly, the Samaritan was not the brother of the beaten Jew, yet he one who met his physical needs. JESUS says to His followers, "Go ye, and do likewise."
i would like to know why you still beleive in god and what, based upon the bible, leads you to believe in god.. i likethe scripture that states the earth was a circle and hung upon nothing.
i also find that there is evidence the flood existed.
anybody know the stats of the "supposed" ark on mr. ararat?.
What is the correct environment for the destructive types that he created?
If you were the creator of such ones, how would you answer this question?
Why did god not only create constructive types of people?
As you considered, or consider, or will consider having children, can you be sure to create only constructive ones? Why would you assume that God has such power? If you knew that there was a risk of having destructive offspring, as well as constructive offspring, would you forego having any children at all?
In an atheistic world view, there are no need for such questions.
Is a world devoid of questions the goal?