Ahhhh, yes, the "national anthem" issue. Before I ask a question, I'll preface with these comments. Personally, I faded out of the borg in the late 1980s. And, I personally no longer believe that there is ANY kind of "deity" that is deeply, profoundly offended at humans standing for a "national anthem" or reciiting a "pledge of allegiance." So, peronally, whenever I go to a professional sports event, or a sports event at a school, I do usually stand when the natioinal anthem is being played. However, I do NOT recite the pledge, anywhere, at ANY event. I profoundly and conscientiously disagree with EVERY statement that is expressed in the "Pledge of Allegiance." (Especially the part about the United States being "one nation under God." ) Now, having stated that, I have a question: What, exactly, does the playing of a national anthem DO? What does it ACCOMPLISH? Does it make the players any better at their chosen game? Does it make the "fans"---the spectators---better people? Does if make the game transpire better, and more smoothly? What does it do? The older and older that I get with each passing year, I have started to see how silly and assinine that the playing of a so-called "national anthem"---at any sports event---in ANY country really is. Personally, the playing of a "national anthem" doesn't do ANYTHING for me. Nothing. Would anyone like to clarify this matter? Thanks...