Thanks for that, Mr. Designs. Thanks. May Geroge Harrison's memory live on...
Mr. Titch
what an incredible and gifted song writer..
Thanks for that, Mr. Designs. Thanks. May Geroge Harrison's memory live on...
Mr. Titch
to answer my question, no i do not pray over meals anymore exept for when i am with other jws i do a 15 second head bow for appearances sake.
i just came to the realization god had nothing to do with whether i ate or not.
many believers are starving right now whilst many non-believers are eating like kings.. also why should god give me food while he lets little children in dprk concentration camps starve to death.
An interesting thread propounded here. But, I've wondered for a long time, concerning those who DO pray over a meal. What about when you pull into a gasoline station, to get your vehicle re-fueled. Just before pumping the gas into your tank, do you say a silent prayer for that gasoline, too? After all, you're "feeding" the vehicle it's needed fuel. But, did some "God", some "Creator" just majigally put that fuel into the underground tanks at the gas station? Nope. It didn't happen. It was put there by someone. Why don't you offer some thanks to the driver of the truck who drove there, and pumped the fuel from the tanker trailer, into the tanks beneath the gas station? Why don't you say a silent prayer to the owner or owners of the station who maintainthe gas station, so that you can pull in and get some fuel for your vehicle? Why not say a praryer to the people who work at the refinery, wherever that is located? Or the water for your radiator, or air for your tirres? Do you "thank" a creator for those things, also? Why not? But, as stated earlier, the gasoline was NOT put into the underground tanks by some miracle , some creator, ready for you to pump it into your vehicle. Just a thought...Ive never seen ANYONE, praying, just before putting some fuel into their car...
i have to go with seattle..
It doesn't matter to me. Whatever team wins, wins. Whatever team loses, loses. It will have no effect upon me whatsoever. I could say the same thing about the Pro Bowl on Sunday. Whoever wins or loses, the NFC Team or the AFC Team, it'll have no effect upon me at all. Oh, the games are fun to watch, but beyond that, it makes no difference to me.
they were a hoot weren't they?.
BTW, I never got into roller skating, just ice skating. I just never took to roller skating. BAck in the early 1970s, "disco roller skating" was the "craze." If there is anyone here who is into roller-blading, (in-line skates) I found out in 2006 that I am related to the gentleman who first invented the roller-blades. His name is Scott Olson, from Minnesota. He and I are second cousins. His dad and my dad were first cousins. His grandfather, and my grandmother were siblings. I've never met Scott, but yet, we are related.
they were a hoot weren't they?.
Designs: Do you mind if I ask you as to which rink or rinks that you went to? I remember back in the last 60s and early 70s, it was popular for JW youngsters to go to an ice-skating rink in Anahiem, the Glacier Falls Ice Rink. Around 1971/1972, an ice rink was built in Costa Mesa, the Klondike Ice Rink, which later became an Ice Capades Chalet. It was there, in the late 1970s that I first set foot upon ice. I kept at it for many years after, evenaully buying my own figure skates, and skated just for recreation, for many years. I completely lost interest in the activity about 12 years ago, so I have beome a "skating fader", too! So, anyway, which roller rinks or ice rinks do you go to?
on another thread, i read that a few adherents may be traveling (cough-cough) to other cities and wouldn't be able to make field service on christmas day.. what is the likelihood that going out on christmas will be encouraged at the weekend services at the khs?
...or do most halls stay neutral on this?
given what i've read on this forum, i have the impression that disrespecting a day of other's celebration wouldn't be discouraged which annoys the heck out of me..
Well, if you are in a situation in which you MUST go out on Christmas Day, approach the door, and just do the "invisible presence" knock. In other words, VERRRRRY lightly, so that your presence would not even be detected.
hey guys !
i've stopped believing the watchtower crap a few years ago.
i achieved this on my own, despite being raised as one.
Cookiemaster (or, Cookiemeister, perhaps): Welcome to this forum. If people give you dirty looks because of your own individual choice to attend college, well, then that's THEIR problem, not yours. As a radio talk-show host here in the California area once said. "Deal with it." Enjoy those cookies!
after waking up and wanting to get out of this nightmare, the word apostate is really bothering me.
if i quitely become inactive, fade away will i just be looked at as "always weak".
i want to scream out how big a fool i was.. and now telling my poor young daughter how wrong i was to bring her up as a jw.
I dont think that I look like a member of the so-called "evil slave class". Anyway, thinking about the term "apostate", Ive thought about some other, different nomenclatures, if a label is to be used. How about "Transformationist". That's right, I have---and you have---made a "transformation"---from one bellief structure, belief system---to a different belief structure or belief system. Thus, a "Transformationist.". Or, how about this: A Consciencioius Objector. If you are a person, whose conscience no longer allows you, permits you, to abide by the belief system of the Witnesses, then you are a Consciencious Objector. Your own conscience objects to the teachings of the JWs. So, those are two ways of thinking of yourself, if you want to use a "label." Best Regards, everyone. :0
how many here attended the "divine victory" international assembly that was held 12- 16 december in christchurch, new zealand?.
the venue was lancaster park.
if the truth be known, that stadium was probably a casualty of the february 2011 earthquake?.
I was at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. And, Zoos, who knows, our paths could have crossed at some time while there.
Yep, I've read about that elsewhere. It reminds me of what a local TV station in the Southern California area reported on a few years ago. Apparently, a stupid prank that local junior-high or middle school boys were doing to other boys. They would come up, unexpectly, to another boy, and punch him---hard---in the gonads. And, all the while fiilming it for putting on YouTube later on, the kid , the victim of the stupid prank,would double over in pain on the ground. That prank went too far in one instance---a kid had to have one testicle removed, so much damage was done. So, local medical professionals were urging, pleading with kids to put a stop to this dumb, asinine prank. Not good, not good...