To answer my question, no I do not pray over meals anymore exept for when I am with other JWs I do a 15 second head bow for appearances sake. I just came to the realization God had nothing to do with whether I ate or not. Many believers are starving right now whilst many non-believers are eating like kings.. Also why should god give me food while he lets little children in DPRK concentration camps starve to death. Also I came to the realization that if god gets the thanks for having food, then he also gets the blame for when there isnt any. I did it out of habit off and on for 2 years but the last few months I have stopped totally.
Do you pray over your meals? If so why? If not, when did you stop and why?
by BU2B 48 Replies latest jw friends
No point talking to an imaginary entity. I stopped as soon as I shook off the delusion.
Almost never do I pray and when I used to, it was the quickest prayer imaginable.
Nothing wrong with a bit of gratitude, but to be honest I don't make a habit of it, but never did much as a JW either.
diana netherton
I guess if I believed in God, I would. I would rather thank the farmers that grew the food.
No I dont. I stopped when I realized I didnt want my daughter growing up with that horrible superstition.
rip van winkle
I'm in a "No Praying Zone" of my own choosing.
I stopped praying when I realized I was talking to myself.
( Deep breathing has better results.)
I stopped, totally, when I realized that joke-hova never did anything for me except create problems and blame Satan for them. Why should joke-hova get the credit for my working to earn the money, my buying the food, and my preparing it? Why should joke-hova get the credit for the farmers planting the seeds (and often, enduring many hardships)? Or for the processors and distributors to get the food to the stores?
Last I knew, it was not joke-hova that makes the food grow. It is the sun. Does anyone thank the sun? Do we pray to the sun for thanksgiving?
Sometimes when my wife spends a lot of time on an awesome dinner I still feel like I should thanksomeone like a prayer. But, the funny thing is it feels like i should say prayer to her. Seriously. I was laughing telling her the other day. I feel like praying to her and thanking her.