With me, it would be Yanni, and Enya. Any music from those two recording artists sit very well with me. But, I also DO enjoy music from the 60s and 70s, since I grew up in that era. Best Regards, all....
i love rhythm and blues and soul music.
i love funk but i also enjoy music of the 60s and 70s.
just not really into classical or country western although some country is pretty good..
With me, it would be Yanni, and Enya. Any music from those two recording artists sit very well with me. But, I also DO enjoy music from the 60s and 70s, since I grew up in that era. Best Regards, all....
from the peacefull netherlands i have a question about the current situation in the us.. is a civil war possible?.
I thought that I'd bring out a "side-note" regarding the incident that happened in Minneapolis, MN, and the results that the incident has brought to the U.S. You know, what with the modern technology of cell-phone cameras, with which people---including law enforcement officers---can be recorded, and broadcast, far and wide via the Internet, you would think that law enforcement officers would be VERRRRRY careful about how they conduct themselves in carrying out their duties every day. I mean, Deven Chauven, didn't he know that he was being observed, watched, recorded on a cell-phone camera used by someone of the "citizenry"? Or, did it not matter to him? I wonder. What do you Folks think? Best Regards...
hi friends ,.
is it just me or do others on this forum like to know where posters are from ?
what country state or region you are from ?
Folks: I am in Southern California; in Orange County. And, I am deep within the confines of: Nine Two Seven Zero Four. (Go figure that one out---it shouldn't be difficult!) Best Regards, all.
some towns require everyone going outside to wear one.
one massachusetts city requires anyone from 5 up to wear a mask.
some cities require masks and have shut down parks and sports playing while others in a nearby town have no such restrictions.
Minimus: I agree with you on that point. If the governmental agencies require that we should all wear masks, while out in public, then FREE masks should be provided.....AND, they should let us know WHERE they can be obtained. I don't think that's too much ask...Best Regards
I was 34. Best Regards...
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
Mr. Minimus: What. exactly, do you mean by "drivel"? My relating the account of what I heard Tom Leykis, a one-time radio talk show host on KFI, say, or something else? I was only relating what Leykis SAID about Limbaugh, about what he was told by Rush, when they had dinner together, back in 1988. That's all. My recollection of it is quite clear. Now, then, as I said in my posting, what the "scam" is that Limbaugh has been perpetrating upon the listening audience, I DO NOT KNOW. I only have my own personal ideas and opinions. And, I'll leave it that. Best Regards....
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
A little "tid-bit" of information about Mr. Rush Hudson Limbaugh, that I remember from 1988. Here in the Los Angeles area, Rush was heard on Radio Station KFI, having been heard on a Mexican Radio Station, just south of the border, XTRA/690. Well, when KFI decided to carry Limbaugh's show, around mid-1988, he was "introduced" to the KFI audience by another personality, Tom Leykis. I distinctly remember Mr. Leykis, the day AFTER that show, relate that he---Leykis---and Limbaugh, had gotten together for dinner at a restaurant the night before, after Limbaugh's introduction. And, on his show, Leykis plainly stated that Rush had divulged to him, that he---Rush Limbaugh, was pulling the "biggest scam" on the nation's listening audience that had ever been pulled. And---GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Now, at the time, Tom Leykis did NOT reveal what, exactly that "scam" was. But, it got me to wondering, Just what is the scam that Limbaugh is pulling on the nation's radio audience? Perhaps, that he, Limbaugh, is NOT really who he says that he is? Hmmm. It causes one to think. I have my own ideas as to what that scam is and was. But, I'll leave that your own imagination. Best Regards, all!
while even non-peaceful people have been awarded the peace prize (e.g.
arafat, kissinger), i am confused as to how obama could possibly have won the award one year after being the first term junior senator from illinois with zero “peace” experience (other than his ‘well-articulated’ rhetoric)..
reading the obama-pining on a couple of posts made me reexamine my view of barry’s presidency..
Ahhhhh, yes, WT Wizard, rehashing old "birther conspiracies" from years ago. Do you really believe that Barack Obama was NOT born in the United States territory, specifically, the Territory of Hawaii, and was born in Kenya? If that is true, that he was NOT---I repeat---NOT born in the United States, but in some foreign country, then how, may I ask you, did he ever get elected to the United States Senate, representing the State of Illinois? Hmmm? Care to answer that? I am not a scholar of the U.S. Constitution, however, I HAVE downloaded and printed out several versions of the document. And, according to the Constitution, in order for a person to be elected to the U.S. Senate, a person must be at least 30 years old, AND a person has to be a Citizen of the United States for at least 9 years. Got that? A citizen for at least 9 years. So, if Barack Obama had NOT been a U.S. Citizen for at least 9 years, how is it that he ever got elected to the U.S. Senate? Care to explain that? Now, it is my understanding that if a person was NOT born in the United States, they can still be elected to the Senate, IF---IF---they have been a U.S. Citizen for at least 9 years. And, Citizenship would have come about by being "naturalized", or taking the Oath of Citizenship, in either a group setting, or on an individual setting, by taking that oath before a judge. So, if that is how Obama became a U.S. Citizen, by taking the Oath before a judge, then where is the documentation, the "paper trail" that shows that he took the oath of citizenship, after taking some kind of "citizenship classes"? So, for that matter, is there anyone...ANYONE---who questioned Obama's citizenship status, when he ran for the U. S. Senate when he did? Would you care to put forth some proof that his citizenship status WAS questioned when he ran for Senator from Illinois? So, you honestly believe that Mr. Obama not only "bluffed and cheated" his way into the United States Senate, but, later on, also "bluffed and cheated" his way into the Presidency. Is that what you really believe?
Best Regards, all. Titch.
i'm not really sure where to put this post or "thread", so i'll just put it in the physical activities area.
i just want to know if anyone on the forum has any experience with having a hip replacement surgery done on them, or perhaps a friend or relative.
what was your experience, if it was you?
Thank you, Mr. Finkelstein!
i'm not really sure where to put this post or "thread", so i'll just put it in the physical activities area.
i just want to know if anyone on the forum has any experience with having a hip replacement surgery done on them, or perhaps a friend or relative.
what was your experience, if it was you?
I want to thank everyone who has read this post and responded. A little bit of background information as to why I posted this: I am 65 years old, soon to be 66. For the past almost 3 years, I have been "plagued" by the malady of osteoarthritis, of the hip joints. It all began in the right hip joint, in early 2017. And, for about the past 3 months or so---since September of 2019, the osteoarthritis has manifested itself in the left hip point. And, through x-rays and MRIs, it has been confirmed that it is indeed, osteoarthritis. That's why my primary care physician referred me to an orthopedic specialist near where I live. That doctor strongly advised me, urged me. to have the hip replacement procedure done, or else I'll probably end up in a wheelchair in the next 5 to 10 years. So, that's why I sought out in put from users of this forum. And, I do want to thank you for responding with your experiences. Your input has been welcomed. Thanks again. Best Regards, all!