Of course, how could I forget...The Prisoner???!!! Yes, we want information...Information...INFORMATION!
You won't get it.
By hook or by crook..we will!
Thank you, late Mr. Patrick McGoohan for that show!
the sopranos was my number one show.
to me it was the best series ever.
for a good laugh, i still enjoy the beverly hillbillies reruns.
Of course, how could I forget...The Prisoner???!!! Yes, we want information...Information...INFORMATION!
You won't get it.
By hook or by crook..we will!
Thank you, late Mr. Patrick McGoohan for that show!
with the virus thing going on, there's more tv time here in the rub a dub household.. watching jaws for the 20th time still is fun.
then all the killer stingray, whales and other sea creatures is interesting.. we watched moby's dick last night.
it's an old classic like jaws.
Just as a side-note, here in the U.S., there has been a publication, produced by the Time Magazine organization, at stores, a "commemorative" issue regarding the 45th anniversary of the release of "Jaws". I bought a copy. I also remember back in 2000, "People" Magazine had a special issue to remember the movie, and stories about the cast members, and where they were at the time. That year was the 25th anniversary of the movie. Best Regards, Folks...
the sopranos was my number one show.
to me it was the best series ever.
for a good laugh, i still enjoy the beverly hillbillies reruns.
Well, there are two that were the "creation" of Mr. David E. Kelly: Picket Fences (my all-time favorite), and The Practice. (Mr. Kelly, being an attorney in a previous life, wrote several episodes of those shows, based upon his legal expertise.) From years gone by, The Fugitive, The Invaders, and The FBI, which were "Quinn Martin productions." And,, how about from the late 60s and early 70s: The Andy Williams Show, and from 50 years ago, The Ray Stevens Show (aka, Andy Williams presents The Ray Stevens Show) I'm sure I'll think of some more, as the day progresses. Best Regards, All
we have to get rid of these racist relics.
i propose that we destroy all these bottles of syrups and burn every pancake box !
we need to get rid of anything that reminds us of anything negative concerning slavery.. in boston they decapitated the head of christopher columbus and got rid of his statue.
Whatever the origin of the Aunt Jemima brand is or isn't---this past week I bought a bottle of Aunt Jemima syrup. When it's completely empty, I'll wash it and keep it as a kind of "memento", when the brand is discontinued. It could be worth thousands of dollars about 10 years from now. Who knows......Best Regards all.
i love rhythm and blues and soul music.
i love funk but i also enjoy music of the 60s and 70s.
just not really into classical or country western although some country is pretty good..
With me, it would be Yanni, and Enya. Any music from those two recording artists sit very well with me. But, I also DO enjoy music from the 60s and 70s, since I grew up in that era. Best Regards, all....
from the peacefull netherlands i have a question about the current situation in the us.. is a civil war possible?.
I thought that I'd bring out a "side-note" regarding the incident that happened in Minneapolis, MN, and the results that the incident has brought to the U.S. You know, what with the modern technology of cell-phone cameras, with which people---including law enforcement officers---can be recorded, and broadcast, far and wide via the Internet, you would think that law enforcement officers would be VERRRRRY careful about how they conduct themselves in carrying out their duties every day. I mean, Deven Chauven, didn't he know that he was being observed, watched, recorded on a cell-phone camera used by someone of the "citizenry"? Or, did it not matter to him? I wonder. What do you Folks think? Best Regards...
hi friends ,.
is it just me or do others on this forum like to know where posters are from ?
what country state or region you are from ?
Folks: I am in Southern California; in Orange County. And, I am deep within the confines of: Nine Two Seven Zero Four. (Go figure that one out---it shouldn't be difficult!) Best Regards, all.
some towns require everyone going outside to wear one.
one massachusetts city requires anyone from 5 up to wear a mask.
some cities require masks and have shut down parks and sports playing while others in a nearby town have no such restrictions.
Minimus: I agree with you on that point. If the governmental agencies require that we should all wear masks, while out in public, then FREE masks should be provided.....AND, they should let us know WHERE they can be obtained. I don't think that's too much ask...Best Regards
I was 34. Best Regards...
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
Mr. Minimus: What. exactly, do you mean by "drivel"? My relating the account of what I heard Tom Leykis, a one-time radio talk show host on KFI, say, or something else? I was only relating what Leykis SAID about Limbaugh, about what he was told by Rush, when they had dinner together, back in 1988. That's all. My recollection of it is quite clear. Now, then, as I said in my posting, what the "scam" is that Limbaugh has been perpetrating upon the listening audience, I DO NOT KNOW. I only have my own personal ideas and opinions. And, I'll leave it that. Best Regards....