One only---California. I suppose that I don't really like to move---re-locate---that much. I have visited, or traveled through several US states, but remained a California Resident. Best Regards......Titch.
Posts by titch
How many states have you ever lived in? (USA)
by Iamallcool ini only have lived in 4 states!
The Poor the Wealthy and the Middle Class
by Simon inthe poor spendthe middle-class savethe wealthy invest.
the unique circumstances of the lockdown and stimulus checks has highlighted these differences in stark ways.. on one hand, you have jumps in sales and valuation of companies like foot locker and nike, as people spend their "free" government money on sneakers.
they blow it on useless tat.
But remember, Brock Talon...according to the fictional Doc Martin...Happiness is over-rated. Best Regards, Everyone.........Titch.
What kind of job would you like to have?
by Iamallcool init doesn’t have to be about big money.
Well, with me, I really wouldn't like to have a job, at my age, which is "north of 65". I am now, semi-retired, collecting Social Security benefits here in the U.S. and I have a couple of small pensions from companies that I once worked for. I have been working since I was 18 and still in high school. (I started in the work world in the usual way that JWs start---working for a fellow JW who had a janitorial business. And, I have "moved on" to other work/employment situations since then. I didn't continue as a "janitorial engineer.")
But, a thought went through my mind, back in late 1998, while I was still very much in the work force. At that time, when I was 44 years old, I was working as a Document Control Clerk, at an organization that was managing the design of the toll roads that have been built in this part of Southern California. It was a fairly responsible job, which included extensive data entry, and filing of documents into their proper file cabinets. It also involved distributing copies of the documents to engineers who were on the staff of the company. But, yeah, in late 1998, one day, after doing a lot of data entry concerning recent documents, that had to be added to the database, I sat at my desk, and while looking at the stack of documents, this thought went through my mind...You know, I do believe that I have accomplished EVERYTHING that I really want and/or need, to accomplish in my work life. I really had. I had accomplished everything that I wanted to or needed to accomplish in the work world.
Now, that thought came to my mind, while I was still in the work force. It didn't come about as a result of being laid off, and between jobs. It came to me while I was still working, gainfully employed at an organization. And, it didn't come about because I no longer enjoyed the job, or the people that I was working with. I did enjoy the work and I did enjoy my co-workers, my colleagues. But, I knew, in 1998, that my working years had come to an end, mentally and psychologically. Now, I knew that I would have to continue in the work force. I was 44 years old and not of retirement age, here in the U.S. But, if I had to continue in the work force, it would be against every fiber of my core being. And, of course, I have been employed in various situations since that day in 1998.
However, if someone, anyone, had approached me in 1998 and in the years after that, and offered me $3000.00 per month, to leave the work force, so as to allow someone from the younger generation to come in and take my place, I would have jumped at the chance. I really would have. No questions asked, no regrets.
Now then, getting back to the question posed in the O.P. what kind of job would I like to have, if I ever have to get back into the workforce? Probably doing "voice-overs" for radio and TV commercials. I have been an Amateur Radio operator since November of 1986, and over the years of conversing with fellow Hams, a few of them have told me that they think my voice would lend itself to being "on the radio" or doing voice-overs for commercials. I don't know if that will ever happen. But, perhaps.....Best Regards...Titch.
Very cool 20 I got in change this week.
by mickbobcat ingot this cool 20 in change this week.
i may frame it.
Mick: I'll admit that after I read your response to me, I decided to look up, on the Internet, articles about what is, and is not, defacing of currency. And, there are different schools of thought about what "defacing" money means. But, if it had been me that got that 20-Dollar bill as change in a transaction, I would have brought it my bank, and asked for a replacement "20", and told the teller to send that bill back to the closest Federal Reserve Bank to destroy it and get it out of circulation. I wouldn't want it "circulating" any more, as valid currency. It seems to me that whoever "illustrated" the back of that "20" was putting a political message, a political statement, on the bill, because of it having an illustration of the White House on the back of it. (Which, to me, is a rather childish, juvenile thing to do.) But---supposing---just supposing---sometime during 2017 through 2020, someone had taken a 20-Dollar bill, and wrote on the back of it, this statement: "Impeach Trump and get that carnival barker out of office." (And, that would also be a childish, juvenile thing to do) If I saw that, I still would have brought the bill to my bank, requested a replacement bill, and told the teller to send it back to the local Federal Reserve System bank, for the purpose of destroying it and getting it out of circulation. I do believe that our currency, our paper money is not the place to write out political messages, political statements, no matter who the President and Vice-President are, and what your own political beliefs are. It just isn't. Best Regards.....Titch.
Very cool 20 I got in change this week.
by mickbobcat ingot this cool 20 in change this week.
i may frame it.
But---but---but---isn't that considered to be defacing U.S. currency, which is a crime? Correct me if I'm wrong.
This is my favorite quote! What’s your favorite?
by Iamallcool inno one can steal your thunder when you are the fucking storm!
"I think that Happiness is over-rated."---Dr. Martin Ellingham, from the British TV show "Doc Martin."
This is my favorite quote! What’s your favorite?
by Iamallcool inno one can steal your thunder when you are the fucking storm!
"If I have said or done anything for which I should be sorry---I am willing to be forgiven." ---I don't remember who said that, but I do remember it. Best Regards...Titch
What Should Have Been Their "Surname" or "Last Name"?
by titch inok, folks, so here's my question.
now then, assuming that you believe that there was an actual first man and a first woman, as the bible propounds, that had the name of "adam" and "eve" (as we have called them, in the english language) well, what do you think that their surname or last name would have been, or should have been?
that is, if they had surnames way back then, in the so-called "beginning" of human existence?
Thanks for the response from everyone so far. And, that is some interesting info from Disillusioned JW. So, here's another one I thought of...Adam & Eve Humanzee. Best Regards....Titch.
This is my favorite quote! What’s your favorite?
by Iamallcool inno one can steal your thunder when you are the fucking storm!
"Let's go out and do it to them, before they can do it to us." From Robert Prosky's character in the police drama of the early 1980s "Hill Street Blues."
In 1923 - I almost died!
by Terry inin 1923 i almost died.
__________in 1923 i almost died.. allow me to explain .... on the day of my parole from seagoville federal correctional institution, i walked out of the entrance of the prison and my grandfather was waiting for me at the gate.. the last time i’d seen him was in 1967. today was 1969.. he looked older and i must have looked much skinnier.. i opened the door and climbed into the front passenger side.. there were no seat belts back then.. jack avery hybarger was a private man, very shy about looking into anyone’s eyes.. he bottled up his emotions.
we weren’t a family that hugs or says “i love you.”.
Mr. Terry: I think that I've seen this posting from you in the past, but I might be hallucinating again in my old age. Either way, it is still an interesting read. But, I don't know if I'd call it a situation of "almost dying" --I'd call it a case of almost not coming into existence. For many people, there is a very fine line between coming into existence and not coming into existence. All because of circumstances that happened before them. Best Regards to you.....Titch.