I wouldn't like to have Lot for my father
But what about the daughters of Lot that had sex with their father, in order that he will have sons and keep the family name?
Why Jehovah didn't punish those naughty girls...
what happened in sodom & gomorah,.
concerning the people or perverts whom wanted to have sexual relations with the angels,sent by jehova god,.
lot offerd his daughters up to the crowd but no they wanted the young men ,as they were good looking most of the crowd were blinded,yes, how would jehovah punish the elders of today connected to child abuse cases ,would they receive immediate judgment ,as jehovah showed back in soddoms history , or would jehovah ignore the abusers,without punishment and allow them to continue forever without punishment as the watchtower and tract society does today, .
I wouldn't like to have Lot for my father
But what about the daughters of Lot that had sex with their father, in order that he will have sons and keep the family name?
Why Jehovah didn't punish those naughty girls...
i've been planning this for 4 months, well sort of.
the planning took 5 minutes the procrastination has taken up the rest of the time.
after 26 years of indulging, i've finally tried to quit smoking.
Nice try keep on the good work
http://www.visaliatimesdelta.com/news/stories/20030208/localnews/944157.html .
saturday, february 8, 2003 .
trial ordered for jehovah's elder.
Another proof of how CLEAN Organization is the WT
i don't know if anyone else has posted this yet, but i must say, that the isaiah's prophecy books are the most boring drivel i have ever had to endure.
i don't know which member of the writing department or the gb wrote this 2 part set, but i have to say that it is super-duper-dull beyond words.
perhaps the author suffers from alzheimers and forgot that he wrote the same thing again and again and again... .
in today's globe and mail, an article entitled "where cultists play" addresses the issue of cults, principally in quebec.
it takes a good look at the raelians and other cults of french origin.. speaking of france, it says that "the government has drawn up a list of 172 groups it considers to be cults; those deemed the most 'dangerous' are subject to special scrutiny.
the list, which attracted criticism from civil libertarians, includes jehovah's witnesses and seventh -day adventists.".
Did you expect from the WT not to deny that they are cult?
morning, all.. randy graciously gave me some room at freeminds to link my project work on the theory that the wts only uses around 250 scriptures in the watchtower magazines to propagate and inculcate current truth and the scriptures used have moved from emphasizing the heavenly hope to that of strict legalism.
i am hoping, through the use of the wt magazines ony, to prove this statistically.
here's the link:.
nice one...generally the favoured scripture o the WT is Mathew 24:45-47
right here on the internet, we will attempt to bring a final resolution to all religious wars, controversy and hypocrisy.. the great god contest
the rules
the rules are simple.
Nice one
help....i have heard that the u.s. report in the jan 1 wt showed a 3% increase!
the past 15 years or so never saw growth more than 1%.
dis they change the way these figures are compiled resulting in exagerated numbers?
Maybe is the 11 SEPTEMBER that increased their numbers...
i'm new to this sight and wondered if anyone can enlighten me on the smurf legends.
how did they get started?
does anyone have any good smurf stories?
Check www.freeminds.org Randy has nice stories..
Welcome onboard Lacey
does anyone know if the wtbts releases the actual number of people disfellowshipped or disassociated in any given year?
not that they'd give the names and their df/da offenses.
i vaguely remember an assembly where some numbers were released regarding the number of persons disfellowshipped for a particular offense, for example:
No way...
I just make a calculation within the past 10 years regarding their growth. They claim that 350.000 getting baptized every year...if you miltiply this number by 10 years that makes another 3.000.000-3.500.000 JW that have join the Borg.
But the WT shows the number of puplishers inluding baptized and not baptized...plus they claim that they have 5.000.000 bible studys(many of them 70% are JW kids)and are publishers...so you can't have an exact idea of the people you are leaving. With this numbers and a rough calculation their number is should be at least 10.000.000. But they have only 6.300.000