I will not tell you what fern told you to do....RUN AS FASTER YOUR CAN....
It is good to know the other side of the coin in this forum is the other side, a side that you will NOT hear studying with Watchtower's Witnesses.WT refused any dialog with ex-jw's, because the GB knows that they cannot argue against the accusations we have for them. Jesus He did spoke to the Pharisees and those that they were going to put Him on the Cross. But the WT is more superior from Jesus and they will not talked to us
I was born as a JW I'm a second generation ex-JW. The true story about JW's it will NOT be presented to you by JW's,because their story is full of false prophecies, changing doctrines,and human lifes that have died for the Organization Concept.
JW's specially the new ones have NO IDEA of their past history since the WT hide or whitewashed their dark past. Some brief facts regarding WT:
1.Their founder C.T.Russell he break through Seventh Day Adventists, due to their failed prophetic expectations that the world would end in 1874. Russell involved in Occult practices, and added the Pyramids in his theology. Pyramids are always had connection with Occult and Freemasonry. He expected that the end of the world will be in 1914., counting the Pyramids and an alchemist calculation from various scriptures in the Bible the 2520 years from 606(the year of the destruction in Jerusalim according to Russell) to 1914. The end didn't came so he change it to 1916. Eventually he died in Halloween's day at that year, burried in a Masonic cementry with a 2 tones pyramid next to the grave, with the 33rd degree Masonic Symbol on it, the Crown and the Cross, the All Seeing Eye, and the Emblem of the WT. His wife Maria won the court against him for having affairs with other women. He was an adulterer.
So this are the facts about the founder of the early JW's the Bible students...Do you see any divine guidence behind this guy?
2.Then turmoil started among the BS. A guy named Rutherford took power(he was not even in Russells death wish)the Bible Students.As a result there was a schisma among the group. The autoritarian characteur of Judge Jo changed the BS to JW's and actually he changed the all concept of the BS. I strongly believe that BS were sincere Bible examiners. They could visit other Churches, they celebrate Christmas, they believed in Cross, Birthdays, and they had their conscious as a guider. Judge Jo changed completely the face of BS and even their name in order to be seperated from the followers of Russell. The Dawn Bible Students Association are the real followers of Russell. Judge Jo claimed that Armageddon will start in 1925, and he published a book "Millions now living will never die".He bought a luxury mansion in San Diego Calif. and he waited for the early prophets to be ressurected and take leadership in God's Goverment on Earth. As you guess neither Joshua, Noah, Moses, came to the Mansion to start rulling the the Earth. He died in 1942 and most of all he was sure that the Armageddon was just about to start because of the WWII.WT sold that mansion after he died. He had a serious drinking problem, he was an abusive characteur, he used bad language, and this is proved by the lawsuit against him by an ex Bethelite Olin Molyn. He used every way to show persecution of the JW's, he had rage against the Catholic Church. Also he was involved in the Occult ideas of Russell most of his era as WT's president, plus he reprint the Book "Angels and Women" a story of fallen Angel through a spiritistic medium!!! Because of Judge Jo, thousands of JW's suffered in prison in Germany and many other places in the WWII, he tried to have an alliance with Hitler but Hitler was far to crazy from Judge Jo and the alliance didn't worked....
3.Then we have Knorr(actually it was Fred Franz)who formed the WT's theology until he died in the 90's. Again WT sets a new date for the end 1975....The claimed that the generation that saw the invisible presence of Christ in 1914 will see the end of this system. 1975 went on, there was no end thousands left the WT and the WT did not appologize for the false prediction. They blame their followers for having eager expectations regarding God's fullfments. Then it was the 1984 as a non official date....it was 70 years after 1914 and it was the length of human life. Because of this WT was extremely against education, and many of us left uneducated. We have wasted our lifes preaching about a generation that will see the end but the end never came. So in 1995 since the Generation died they changed it. and change the whole theological structure of the WT. I suggest you to try to find the old book Live for ever on Paradise on Earth... At the 80's there was turmoil in Bethel due to the fact that many Bethelites found the real meaning of Christianity, plus Ray Franz a member of a GB found that all the Archeological and Biblical support of 607 stands on sand. The destruction of Jerusalim was in 587 B.C but the leadership refuse to see that evidence and still they do after 40 years. Because they have so many thinks linked to 1914 and they cannot get rid of it because their authority is on that date.
They have been to a flip flop doctrines many times
1.Sodomah and Gommorah they can't tell if they will resurrected
2.Organ Transplans-in 1964 they were ok in 1967 they were not and in 1981 again it was permited. People died due to this policy
3.Superior Authorities-it was the Goverments, then it was God and Jesus, and again Goverments
4.Alternative army service was ok, then it wasn't and now is ok. Do you know how many suffered like my self due to this policy?
Just a basical facts of how does WT acts.
You are in a great danger my friend. Please STUDY-EXAMINE the history of the WT before you commit your self in that "religion"
Buy the book Crisis of Conscious by Ray Franz, PM if you need more help, visit www.freeminds.org it is the best webside regarding JW's. Randy was an ex-bethelite in the 1980's and knows all the turmoil at that time
Do not let a cult to take way Jesus from your life.That's what they do. The Organization stands in front of Jesus. All ex-JW's are saying the same thing. Many of us found refuge to other religions some went back to the Apostolic Church -Orthodox-Catholic. I have baptized Orthodox and I realize that is Jesus that we should worship and that the Church is asking me to have that personal relation with Jesus, through the Holy Communion.
Many they have lost their families, like my self because we could no longer faith in a man made Organization. WT uses disfellowship thread against any one dares to leave their Org. All I can tell you is that WT caused us pain and nothing else.
Please pray in Jesus to help you, because you are in a Great danger