I agree with minimus. And another thing, why does WT has the best loyers in USA? And hardly no one(Ex-JW) has ever win a case against the WT?
It is because behind the WT are powers we cannot even imagine
it's a fair question - and one that, i'm sure, concerns the watchtower's leadership.. could child custody cases force the watchtower to reform their repellent policies?.
i judge that such cases are not restricted in the same way as other more formal court.
I agree with minimus. And another thing, why does WT has the best loyers in USA? And hardly no one(Ex-JW) has ever win a case against the WT?
It is because behind the WT are powers we cannot even imagine
this is so very disturbing.
for two different men being forced out of the jw religion, after a time killing their entire families and later to make history as one of "the top ten" news stories of the year, 2002. .
i realize this (these murders) have been discussed before.
It is a sad story indeed
But behind this is the dogma of the WT. So someone it is better to die now instead in Armageddon with no hope of eternal life. So according to this "Theology" it is better to KILL people. And this is what this two people have done.
Again the actual guilty it is the Watchtower
i'm a little frightened after reading one of the study articles in the feb.1st watchtower.. what well meaning individuals will be fighting to study with me when they read the second study article?who will help such a weak one as me build up faith and appreciation?oh yeah,and can they count their time?after all,i am baptised.. maybe i will start knocking on jw's doors and say,"hi,i realise that you are an active member of the jw organisation,but i am here to welcome you into the inactive flock.i am willing to study with you,so you can appreciate how you have been mislead for so many years.
" do you think there will be any takers?.
seriously though,i will have to start screening my calls and not answering my door(better yet,i will just let my dogs out).after 4 years of people not caring,now that they are told to,they will come in droves!
That will be fun...an elder try to push me to go to the field service(haven't been for the last 3 years)but I'm sure pioneers will try later on to get some hours from me in order to fill their monthly report...
the two "get out of jail cards" that the society plays when explaining away failed predictions are:
god's prophecies are never wrong, its just our interpretation, let's wait a while and when things are clearer we'll tell you in retrospect what the prophecy really was.
we never actually said that, it was the rank and file, they got over excited.
I have been only 3 times to the Book of Isaiah Volume 1 and 2 because I just couldn't stand the bullshits of the WT!!! The third was yesterday...
Same old story: 1914, 1919, 1931, 1935, they just keep telling the same old thing. It doesn't matter what book of the Bible they are trying to explain it end up with that same story...
Jesus didn't have anything better to do and pick up a banch of false prophets located in USA and make them He's ambasadors on earth!!!
many opinions have been expressed on this board as to what is killing the society today.
i am positive that issues such as the un scandal, the pedophile issue, etc.
are having a negative effect and contributing to a general slackening off and sense of malaise amongst the rank and file.
I don't think that the WT will drop 1914...they have many dates that they cannot do that...
I believe that the WT has done all the neccesarry changes in order to keep Armageddon just around the corner. And I do not think that they will make any other changes, since the "generation" has no connection with the year 1914 but they got up with the idea of the succeceive generation, which means even from 100 years from today anyone can see the "sign".
The remnant of the 144000 class they will keep alive the number that suits them since 1931 the heavenly calling has ended, and logically no one should be alive. So those who partake from the emblems should have been born in the early 1900's that means that technically they are all dead. But no one from the rank and file can think regarding the "heavenly class" why the number hasn't change for the past 15 years....
So no need for changes for the WT. ΙΤ IS ALL OVER
i know there are soo many new people on this board in the past year or so, and i haven't been posting a whole lot lately i've been busy with school and what not, but i did want to kind of give a bit of an update and hopefully some encouragement for those that are in the process of leaving the borg, and have left friends and family behind.
in the summer of 2000 my entire world shattered around me.
for more details you can click here.
Great post
I took some tips for my self...
the repercussions of my argument with my mother on the phone the other week are starting to make themselves felt.
let me be clear: i've been disfellowshipped from the org for two years now.
i'm loving my freedom of thought.. so i was talking to my mom [still in the borg] and started expressing myself on various subjects on which i disagree, or at least see room for philosophical "wiggle room" with the society's viewpoints.
You don't have to meet any "elder" of the WT. Send them to HELL
today i spoke with a former jw i've been in touch with for several years and discovered what i think could be a major bombshell for the wts.
as we all know, shunning is the most powerful weapon the wt cult has over its members and for decades the wts has been able to get away with practicing it at their whim.
the us and other courts have permitted them to to use it, even though it destroys families and has ruined countless lives.
Good news
Bad the Dubs will still follow what the Org is saying
i would love some support since i am scared and confused, but i don't know where to turn.
my husband and i are both having our eyes opened wide after years of doubts.
we have finally read the "apostate literature" over the past few weeks and have checked and rechecked their sources.
Welcome to right place
We are here to help you, all of us have been trough the same process...it takes time, and it is painfull, but you "will know the truth and the truth will set you free"
It is better to know rather to be in WT lies and spend your rest of your life into the lie
You can do the follow:
1.Fade out, start to miss meetings and field service
2.Don't tell your doubts to any one they will not understand(their minds are closed and controled by the WT
3.Try to make new friends(they are many in this forum that they are willing to help you) so that you will start to replace the WT friends(they cannot love you unconditionally, friendship is offered with the condition as long as you are a member of the WT club)
4. Read the Bible(not the NWT, that's not a translation) ask for the Holy Spirit for guidance, and pray to JESUS.
5.If you have relatives and friends and you don't like to loose them completely just FADE OUT it is the best thing to do. Propably they will say that you have material spirit and that's it. They will keep talking you and still talk to them.
6. Or if you don't mind, write a letter of disassociaton and send the Watchtower to HELL, and no one will talk to you and consider you as spiritual deads
why all the racismn within the world .
,personaly i cant understand it,i know people can be racist against culture,but colour ,come of it.
,jesus was brown ,mosess was black he had to be living in egypt ,have angels got a colour if not why not ,dont be afraid to answer as i wont hold it against you if you dont ,me i have great friends from all nationalitys .have you transended from the obligitory type cast person that you were born has your life been enriched by meeting someone of another culture, i know we have been richly rewarded.
Since Israel is near my Counrty so this is a very simple answer. He would have been dark skin(because of the Sunny weather) and have the characteristics of the Semetic tribe