What about the ORTHODOX Church (HOLY CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH) the complete name of the Orthodox Church.
When I left JW'S I started looking to find who really was following Christ and the early Church. I look to Seven Day adventists, ex Russelite groups, then the Catholic Church. I couldn't find the answers to my questions.
Then one day I wen't to a Greek Orthodox Church(since I'm Greek)and I started to pray. That Church stands in a place where apostole Paul was wiped 39 times(At the Island of Cyprus in the City of Paphos). And it is a Church of 1700 years old!!!
After this I have started to examine the Church that I was always against it. The reason was IGNORANCE. As a JW I learn to accuse other religions without really examine it.
And I found out that I had the Christian faith right under my nose, and I was ingnoring it all this years(since I was a second generation witness)
I learned that ONLY in the Orthodox Church we find the line of the Apostolic succesion. This line goes for 2000 years!!! Starts from Apostle James since he was the first Bishop of the early Christian Church.
The Biblical canon was set by the Orthodox Church, that means that the Bible you are reading was set by someone else!!! That besides the Bible there are other books called defterocanica. That the Bible it is a Holy Book that contains MISTAKES.
The story of Christianity goes like this: The language of the GOSPEL it was preached in GREEK language, and that is why after the schisma, the Roman Katholic Church fell into a lot of misentepretations of the Bible, that lead them to a lot of unbiblical teachings(like the hell, the filioque(Holy Spirit is coming also out from the Son)After that around 1600 Louther separated from Catholic Church and set the Protestands. In protestand movement we find so MANY split Churche's around 1000 or more!!! And the question is why? The reason is THEY don't have the right understanding of the Greek language.
The Orthodox Church kept the Bible the way it was. In the cermonies we use the OLD Greek texts in order to keep the Gospel untouched. Since Greek is the most reach language in the World, that is why the Gospel was preached in this beautiful language.
So I found out that the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit hold the same name(Yahweh) The union of the trinity, and at the same time the the Cause of the Trinity is the Father. This 3 they always existed, due to the Cause, that is the Head of the Son and the Holy Spirit. One priest he explain Trinity in a very simple way. God is the Sun. The Sun has Light. Jesus is the Light. The light has heat. The Holy Spirit is the Heat. The Sun is the cause for the other 2, but they exist ALL at the same time. This is how we understand the Mystery of the Trinity.
I found out that through Jesus ALL will be saved. And that God is not a killer. I saw saints that perform miracles, and I saw dead bodies of saints that they are not corrupted, because of their Holyness.
I feld the grace of Jesus when for the fist time in my life I had the Mystery of the comunion of the Blood and Body of Christ. Because for the Orthodox Church the Blood and Body of Jesus are not sympolical. They are the BLOOD AND FLESH of Jesus. And is a miracle because from the same Cup that there is Bread and Wine, all the congregation can have this comunion of Jesus, and NO one can get a disease. Like hypatitis,and many other, because in Jesus Blood all sins are ceased.
I saw the miracle of the Holy Light and this appears only in Jerusalim the night of Jesus resurection at the Orthodox Church build upon Jesus grave. The Holy Light lights the tourches and candles in the Church, and from all the dominations they attend to see this miracle.And the flame cannot harm you for 33 minutes.
The Orhodox Church has a reach tradition, with manuscripts and writtings of the early Church Fathers, writtings of Saints that they saw the Light of Jesus, and they leaved a holy life. The Church does not take the place of Jesus in your life. It encourages everyone to follow Jesus, and have faith in Jesus sacrifice, because faith saves.