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JoinedPosts by the-illuminator81
Where is Outlaw?
by Iamallcool inhe is one of my favorite posters, i look him up from time to time.
Watchtower Cult Given $81,000 by City of Salem
by rrb2016 incan you imagine how much money they must make off of all the assemblies?
i counted at least 211 between this week and end of the year.
if they get paid by each city.... .
Nice calculation lost lamb, a million annually is crazy!
Dumbest crazy YEARBOOK experience ever...talking demonic snake silenced by Witness!!
by Witness 007 ini loved reading the yearbook each year as soon as it came out....lots of encouraging experiences and they were all true of course, like this one from africa..... yearbook 1967 p.105 "a large crowd was following a man who had a talking serpent {like the muppets}...the serpent gave greetings and spoke in foreign tongues {college educated maybe}....a brother passing by went into the house, as soon as he did the serpent stopped talking.
the man cried out "a magican has entered the room.
" the brother asked the man "is that a serpent or a demon that has spoken to you?...not one serpent has ever spoken except the one in the garden of eden"...seeing that the serpent remained silent the man left the house....he was anxious later to get some literature....".
The bethelites don't have a bullcrap detector, they have a huge pile of bullshit and when they receive a mere turd, they drag it through their swimming pool full of crap so that it snowballs in a huge pile of dung, then they print it in the yearbook.
Watchtower Cult Given $81,000 by City of Salem
by rrb2016 incan you imagine how much money they must make off of all the assemblies?
i counted at least 211 between this week and end of the year.
if they get paid by each city.... .
Because of the business of course, hotel rooms booked, restaurants full, good business. For them it's just another convention, doesn't matter if it's religious idiots or businessmen.
Caleb's Letter to Jehovah
by NewChapter init seems that this sparlock video will only have an impact on jw's, but it does have an impact on those that never even associated.
i showed the video to a friend of mine, and shared the sensation that has grown out of it.
he actually had a dream about sparlock writing a letter to jehovah!
He forgot to put in the part where Jehovah throws Caleb into the fiery lake of eternal destruction because he makes him sad.
Sparlock - the aposta-superhero
by Lady Viola ini don't know about you, but i would love a sparlock t-shirt!!
any creative apostates who can make a digital drawing of the wizard??
:-d. .
Just had jdubs at the door
by finallysomepride inthey did a runner when i started to tell them about what they believed in 1919 when they became the the chosen, and what the believe now.
Next time show them a printout of the 69 awake.. you'll see them run twice as fast.
The Great Debate: "Has Science Refuted Religion?
by dark angle injust want to share this amazing debate!
caltech cosmologist and physicist sean carroll teams up with skeptic magazine publisher and science historian michael shermer in this epic debate with noted conservative author and king's college president dinesh d'souza and mit physicist ian hutchinson as they go head-to-head over one of the most controversial issues of our age.
as science pushes deeper into territory once the province of religion, with questions such as why there is something rather than nothing?, where did the universe come from?, how did life arise?, what was the origin of morality?, and others, inevitable conflicts arise over the best approach to answer them.
The more we rely on science in everyday life the more we come to understand that taking extraordinary claims on faith is worthless and that the only reason to trust in things is by testing them with reliable methods.
Even with very simple things like buying a new phone or watching a new movie you can now wait until millions of others have bought that phone or saw that movie and can see if it's any good. It's very different from the past where you maybe had two or three wise persons in your social circle that you trusted and that you went to for advice, or maybe the newspaper or the store clerk and they all believed in god.
Also, the more religion is forced to move beliefs and ancient writings into the "it's symbolical" category, the less relevant they become.
Further, religions can no longer cover up the mistakes of those in power, because technology empowers the individual and this results in many people leaving because they lose faith in their leaders and in organized religion in general.
As far as science goes, it doesn't really care about religion, it only cares about finding facts and finding the best explanation for those facts. So this conflict is pretty much one-sided.
Religion likes to attack science for not having all the answers, like "why are we here" and stuff like that. But think about it. If you had two persons to go to for advice, and one would claim to know everything about everything, and the other would acknowledge that there are limits to what he knew and that even the knowledge he had could be open to change, whom would be more trustworthy?
Now you've not yet made the decision on who to trust more but you talk with these two persons and start asking a lot of questions about how they know so much.. and one of them shows you a book and tells you that all the answers are from that one book and that he understands the complicated things written in there because he talks with an invisible being in his head, while the other can explain for each answer that he knows how he found out about it through repeated experiments and can even demonstrate these experiments to you? Who would be me trustworthy?
After all this talk you go to person X and tell him that you doubt one of the things that he told you, because you saw that it wasn't true from your own experiences. Now person X tells you that you are wrong and that what you saw is wrong and he says if you keep telling people about it, his invisible friend in his head will kill you and maybe even torture you for eternity in a lake of fire.
You go to the other guy and tell him that he's wrong and he says "well great, that's the only way that we can learn more about the universe" and he goes with you and wants to see and understand why exactly he's wrong. After you've convinced him, he tells everyone else about what he learned from you and he encourages you to come back again if you find something else that wasn't right.
Who is more trustworthy, do you think?
We Are Witnessing a New Enlightenment Age
by DarioKehl ingood day, everyone.. i choose not to post much, but i enjoy lurking several times a day.
i haven't seen anyone remark on the growing trend of apostacy globally, specifically within the last year.
i mean apostacy that's not just among jws.
The more people leave, the more people will think about leaving..
Q: How DID Noah get all those animals into the Ark?
by notjustyet ina: you take the "j" out of "jahs" and the "f" out of "way".
i can't beleive that i did not recognize this 40 years ago!!.
So from 2400 BC to let's say 1500 AD, the few hundred of species fitted in the ark boomed to millions of species now that's really fast evolution yes.
Then let's say from around 1500 AD we began to reliabiliy categorize the species and in that timeframe until 2012 AD evolution has slowed down incredibly, more like the speed which you would expect if life had billions of years to evolve instead of only 4000 years.
Sounds like reasonable theory.