I DAd 8 years ago. I've not regretted it. The "friends" that I lost I still consider as my friends, even though they won't have anything to do with me. I'd be there if the need came up for assistance [except financial, Dubz have been known to go to anyone for money and will rationalize going to an ex-JW --- particularly if it's a family member].
Glad to be free of the mind-control, the boring meetings, the ineffective and [for me] unpleasant field service, having to "like people" in the Congregation that I didn't respect.
Glad to be able to reach my own conclusions on matters, not what some lame-brains in Brooklyn dish up, be able to like people who I previously wasn't allowed to like, free to do what I want, when I want, with people that I want to be around.
One doesn't really realize the stangle-hold the religion has until separated from it and finally look at it from a dispassionate, critical, observing frame of mind. Then, one sees that the "Emperor's clothes" for what they are.