Hi ILoveTTATT, Nice Pics! I like the one with a bee on the flower. How did you get the bee to cooperate? Do you have similar pics with people?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
a lot of times, when people look at pictures taken by a point-and-shoot vs an slr, they know something is different, but just can't pinpoint exactly what it is.... it is the shallower depth of field.... see.
abiblestudent said he likes pictures with large apertures and black-and-white.
Hi ILoveTTATT, Nice Pics! I like the one with a bee on the flower. How did you get the bee to cooperate? Do you have similar pics with people?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
jimmy carter byline male-dominated religions oppress women, carter saysatlanta former president jimmy carter says male-dominated religions contribute to the oppression and abuse of women by twisting sacred texts to portray females as inferior to men in the eyes of god.. the 89-year-old carter makes that argument in his new book, a call to action: women, religion, violence and power.. in an interview broadcast on nbcs meet the press, the former president faulted his former denomination, the southern baptist convention, and the roman catholic church for denying women the same opportunities as men to serve as pastors and priests.. carter said some married men who belong to those churches conclude that their wives are inferior.. the catholic catechism and the 2000 baptist faith and message declare that men and women have different roles but are equal in the eyes of god..
Thanks for sharing, Barbara,
Jimmy Carter is an intelligent, good, and honorable man. Although I was not impressed with Jimmy Carter's presidency, I'm glad and impressed that he has raised and championed many controversial issues since he was president. I hope that his latest book brings relection by religious leaders andsocial change.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
every once in a while i hear people purposely make fun of jws, calling them hovas, jeehoovers, etc.
i don't think that's a good way to reach them..
IMHO calling JWs names or the WTBTS names is counter productive. Calling the WTBTS a dangerous cult is labeling it. Either one will probably cause a JW anxiety.
At least the latter might allow me to ask a JW, "If you do not know what are the characteristics of a dangerous cult, how can you say the WTBTS is not a dangerous cult?" Hopefully, a conversation might happen. Name calling rarely starts conversations.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
hey all,.
i'm sitting in the meeting now...so very bored...speaker is going on and on... serve more, sacrifice more etc.... smite me now!
Ask and yea shall receive!!
Oh yah, I forgot you are at a KH and not a Kings game.
Peace be to you and everyone, who you love,
long story short, i have to go to the kh on tuesday with my mum and i havent been in at least a month now.
the reaon im going is because when i got my mum to finally let me make my own decision about whether or not i want to be a jw she made me promise that i'd go to the memorial, assemblies and if she had a talk.
she's already told me that people have been asking for me and only a few people in my cong know that i dont think it's the truth.. when i was trying to leave a couple brothers really piled on the "encouragement" and i dread to think about what it will be like when they see me again.
Have fun at the Memorial, DuvanMuvan, Don't forget to partake of the wine and crackers! If you do, it may be the last Memorial that your mother invites you to. Remember that you are in the position of power, because you haven't gotten dunked.
If anyone, who you like, says that they missed you, just tell them to call you to play a game or two.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
omg i am so distressed.
i have a talk coming up on tuesday, it is the number 3 "abiram.
why opposing god appointed authority is tantamount to opposing god himself"!.
Excellant written talk!! Say it from the heart with feelings and convictions, and everyone hearing you will compliment you. You might even get lucky enough that the elders never ask you to give a talk again but not suspect you enough to form a JC. The quote from the Awake! is a nice touch.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
as you all may know, it is an ongoing project to translate jwfacts to spanish.
given that there are more than 2 spanish-speaking jw's for every one that speaks english, it can be safely said that spanish is the #1 language in the jw world (even though everything is made originally in english).. the spanish-speaking jw's are harder to convince.
i attribute it almost 100% to socioeconomic factors.
Congratulations ILoveTTATT about completing JWfacts' blood doctrine webpage (and hopefully other webpages this year to celebrate the 100th anniversary of 1914)!!
IMHO www.verdadtj.com is a good webpage name, but I feel that it would be better to own that webpage and to redirect readers to www.jwfacts.com/ES or something similar for hopefully more language translations in the future. Let me know if jwfacts will except donations for purchasing web domain names.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
P.S. - Although translating JWfacts to Spanish is very, very important, be sure to enjoy your life too like taking pictures of nature and dating chicas.
for those of you who are shunned, it is in disguise a blessing.
becuase when you are not shunned, jws come to visit.
it is the most tiresome hosting you will ever endure.. for the first 2 1/2 days, it was straight talk about "jehovah", the "organization", the "bible", then, "how bad these times are", "can't wait to see someone dead in the new world" .
Hi skeeter1, Have you thought about leaving a copy of Raymond Franz's books (i.e., "Crisis of Conscience" and "In Search of Christian Freedom") or Don Cameron's book (i.e., "Captive of a Concept") in the guest bedroom? I am willing to wage that those JW relatives will never bother you again.
Another option would be to invite someone else to stay in your guest bedroom for a week or convert your guest bedroom into an office, so that the JWs would have to stay in a local hotel. Your guest bedroom might be too attractive and comfortable for them to stay in a local hotel.
Peace be with you, and everyone, who you love,
hi i am new here thank you for letting me join.
i first of all want to say i am not here to bash the religion.
there are good people in the congregation but also bad ones.
Welcome mobumpkin, I'm sorry about how your sister is treating you and also your parents. Unfortunately, many JWs treat DF'ed and DA'ed JWs poorly, because of the WTBTS's shunning doctrine.
Were you and your sister close when you were a JW in good standing? If you were close, then may be her cult persona feels threatened and needs to over-compensate to keep her authentic persona in check.
Since you have close JW family and friends, you will never be free from JWs trying to coerce you to "return to Jehovah". Fortunately, you can do independent research of the WTBTS and how the WTBTS uses BITE control techniques to victimize JWs, so that you can heal emotionally and get rid of WTBTS induced phobias. Also, you may learn how to communicate more effectively with JWs so that they can critically think for themselves, instead of blindly following WTBTS's doctrines.
Have you read any cult-exit counselors' books, such as Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visited his website www.freedomofmind.com, and watched his FREE videos on his website? I would recommend watching the following videos on Steve Hassan's website: How Big is the Phenomenon of Undue Influence? (2:01) and Strategic Interactive Approach explained 2003 (1:23:23). Also, have you visited other reputable websites like www.jwfacts.com, www.watchtowerdocuments.com, www.jwsurvey.org, www.freeminds2.org, etc. to learn more about the WTBTS?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
my regular weekly chat with an elder who is trying to keep me on the straight and narrow amazed me!.
we were on the subject of jehovahs blessing.
i said its my mothers belief that jehovah has blessed her and the family over their years of faithful service.
Hi awakening, Have you tried to just ask JWs simple questions like Billy the Ex-Bethelite did in his thread exJW Psychology 102--How to Ask a Question When Questions Aren't Allowed? I know that asking simple questions to help a JW's authentic persona to confront his cult persona is difficult - not impossible. It will get easier with practise and is easier than trying to convince JWs that they are wrong.
When you feel frustrated with telling JWs that they are wrong, look in the mirror and remember what Einstein said, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein". Then ask yourself, "Who is insane for debatting with a JW?", and try doing something different.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,