Tornintwo - Can anyone recommend which Steve Hassan book to read, I see there are 3.
Hi Tornintwo, Depending on what is your objective, I would recommend the following:
- "Combatting Cult Mind Control" (1st edition spell with 2 "tt" in combating) - Does not label the WTBTS as a cult nor JWs as cult members, so might be helpful to help JW's to critically think for themselves. Also, very good to help people to understand the power of BITE control so that they are more empathetic towards JWs and to forgive themselves.
- "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves" - Provides more information about how to overcome BITE control indoctrination.
- "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults, and Beliefs" - fills in gaps and provides more information about helping people critically think for themselves.
- "Combating Cult Mind Control" - Provides more information about how dangerous cults use social media and more examples of helping people to critically think for themselves. Downside for helping JWs is that it does label the WTBTS as a dangerous cult or JWs as members of a dangerous cult.
I would also recommend visiting Steven Hassan's website to read summaries of his books at or view his videos that he presents information about helping individuals at .
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,