Welcome bsand20, I'm sorry that JWs have treated you so poorly, so that they can reach a false promise of Paridise by the WTBTS. The best way to overcome the WTBTS's indoctrination of JWs is to live a successful and happy life free from coersion by the WTBTS.
Instead of being angry, love your children and give them the childhood that you regret not having. Learn how to communicate better with your JW relatives by either reading books by cult exit counselors, like Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs") and/or visiting websites like www.freedomofmind.com and watching FREE videos. I feel that you might learn a lot from watching Steve Hassan's video Strategic Interactive Approach explained 2003 (1:23:23).
Some things that you can do that will not raise a JW's cult persona are to:
- Send your Mom postcards/emails with lots of pictures of you and your family on fun vacations,
- Create a/update your FB page and include lots of pictures of you and your family having a lot of fun at birthday parties, christmas, on vacation, and enjoying life.
- Invite them to do fun activities with you where they will meet non-JWs, who they may share common interests.
Have you thought about sending your mother a short note about how you love her unconditionally but you resent her pressuring you to be baptised at 13. You were not mature enough to make such a commitment. Now she feels that she must shun you for being baptised a JW to make you return to the WTBTS. You will never return to the WTBTS, so your Mom does not have to shun you so that you will return. You love her enough not talk about the WTBTS with her so that she can share happy moments with your family and be a loving grandma to your children.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,