Batman89 - She told me that although she could see some of my ponts of view(TTATT) and some things made sense, of course the JW life is the life she wants to live and that we should take a break while I ultimately "figure things out".
Welcome Batman89, DITTO about what other posters wrote about take a break from your GF and start living your life. Your GF basically gave you an ultimatum to either blindly follow the WTBTS or leave her alone. It is too late to give you advice to help your GF to critically think for herself.
Make/execute your plans to fade from the WTBTS without your GF. What education or skills do you possess to qualify for a well paying career? If you want to get more education/training do it! Attending a college/university is a great way to meet more non-JWs as well as obtain an education to qualify for a better paying career. Be happy that you are able to maintain your relationship with your parents.
May be in the future your GF will change her mind. If she does, take it one step at a time.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,