Undercover -
Wow, wow & wow! Can you even know the guilt and sorrow I feel as a mother who's kids sat through that! Ouch!
To my kids, Undercover & all who counted the seconds and who "were normal in an insane asylum" ....my deepest apologies!
"It seemed that being a jehovah witness was about how many things i did wrong. The only value i had was how well i could be a jehovah witness. I didnt matter as a person, all that mattered was how jehovah witness i could be. And it seemed like everyone else was better at it than me. In my mind no one else was bored at the meetings and everyone loved witnessing. I felt like i had been thrown into some alien planet and didnt understand their customs
It was trying to live up to a set of standards that deep down I knew I'd never be able to. And I can totally relate to your last two comments. I thought I was the weird one. I hated service, I was bored at meetings, I didn't feel love for God, I just wanted to go home and play or watch TV (what little I was allowed to watch anyway). It wasn't until finding others who had left that I realized that I wasn't the weird one...I was normal...it was everyone who actually liked the meetings and service that were on the weird side. But when you're normal in an insane asylum, you stand out as the different one." (Undercover)