Evidently(tm) this "weaker vessel" stuff really just applies to Married women ...'cause have you ever noticed that the Married's are driven right up to the door of the KH, hubby holding her elbow, wielding the old umbrella (guess she might melt).. up the steps, opens door and guides her in. Helps get her coat off and put on a hanger, coats are heavy u know! Reverse that coming out!
Now catch sight of Ms Single,.. pulls into farthest & last available parking spot (late cause she's got a real job) slogging thru the puddles, wind blowing rain into her face, shoes soaking wet, hair flattened ... looking basically like a drowned rat, gets to the entrance just in time for Bro (with the wife).. to let the door close in her face! Not to be deterred, rips open that door (all by herself!!) Forget the coat, and grabs the seat in the back. Now, this is one tuff brawd not your average "weaker vessel".
Ahaa, maybe old Joe was right about women, just a "hank of hair and a piece of bone" TIC
OK let the outrage begin! TIC.
ms single