Wow Lee Elder ...nice to see you.
The leaders of the watchtower society do know, very well..
All those semi rulers, the Do's, CO's, etc etc know also.
Company men! All of them ....the DUPERS!
We at the lower levels are the DUPEES!
Some wake-up & still stay in. The rest just continue with their daily beatings! BUT ....all are complicit in the DUPING process!
As we prance around the neighborhoods & do street corner racking ....... a little voice in our head says to be careful, don't say "everything just yet" you don't want to put them off!
We hold back stuff we know the public would never accept ....if they only knew.
We don't tell them if they 'join' jw's they cannot leave without punishment.
We don't tell them we have Judge, Jury & Executioner in a little room ....just you & three men ....judging you to death or life! We don't tell you that these men will probably be 2 window washers & a real estate salesman!
Every holiday celebration will be forbidden.
Your children & you may die from lack of medical treatment!
Oh yeah we know this and hundreds more things we aren't telling ......... at first!
As long as we support this jehovah's witnesses organization in any way ....we are complicit in it.
If, I believed in the bible I would say "get out of her my people"