Metaron, great subject,
Well, .. Zid was feeling "hostile" towards the borg last nite and darn, thats my feeling this morning!
I've been scouring around on the net regarding 'One world' governments, Illuminatti, 911, ...and the theory that Watchtower is backed by something more powerful than watchtower it's self. The Real Brains. I know,..I know conspiracy theories!
Now, one thing that keeps coming up time and time again, about 911, is the (fact?) that various 'special people&organizations' knew before 911 that 'something' was going to happen. For instance:
There is an unexplained surge in financial transactions made just before the two planes crashed into the towers of the New York World Trade Centre. A German firm is searching for clues into the 'last minute' transactions.
Egyptian Pres Hosni MuBarak warned the U.S. that, "Something would happen" 12 days before 911.
SF Mayor Willie Brown got a low-key early warning/caution about air travel, 8 hrs before 911.
Tom Kennedy, member of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), during interview with Dan Rather CBC ...talks about how FEMA was in place in New York the day before the attack! (little slip of the tongue!).
So, if you worked at NY Bethel in 2001 or know anyone who did, did you notice anything unusual going on. What you heard or saw could be of great interest.
S hortly b efore 911, did you notice anything unusual taking place at Bethel; whether it was a sudden change in travel plans, change in procedure or instructions, a sudden silence about anything, were food supplies or paper supplies increased, were there any changes in financial accounting, rumours, more GB's or Overseers who were out of town.. more than usual, any extra security measures happening??
It would be very interesting to see whether Bethel had any early warning 'indications' like the 'special people had ....or not!