I shudder, I cringe & can feel my cheeks flush at the things I did for JWdom.
I remember a time when I was a PA for a managing director, I was asked to buy cigarettes for someone and I arranged for somebody else to buy the cigarettes instead. Cutting a long story short (and yes it was over the top for them) I was taken into an office and was given a verbal warning because I dug my heels in because it went against my christian witness belief to have anything to do with cigarettes...
I lost out on promotions because taking them meant I would have to work longer hours on the meeting nights
I would argue with everybody and would be so obnoxious when they would criticise my thinking. My thinking was logic, theres was pure satanic & I made them know I thought that.....
I was a complete & utter retard....
I have only 2 good friends (of the world) that I can rely on. This is pretty remarkable considering how obnoxious and self righteous I was....
How I Really Feel Embarrassed for myself now - Oh how the mighty have fallen. Beware he that is standing that he dont fall. Well I fell & I fell from a great height, that I did. Thank god knows who that I woke up to the BS - by some random miracle.....
I now feel truly blessed.....