Hi Tammy,
One of the things I sometimes see is believers make statements of belief, as if, such were just basic fact. I mentioned this to Cold Steel, when he asserted that the Book of Mormon is a "translation."
For example, you said... "There are atheists, agnostics, people of other beliefs/faiths/religion - who may enter the kingdom as subjects of the kingdom, based on their deeds."
Says who? What is the basis for making such an assertive statement. To that you offered this.. "(as recorded in their books at the second resurrection), and according to the parable of the sheep and the goats (doing good to Christ by doing good to even the least of his brothers as the sheep; and the reverse as the goats)."
Which just drives us around in a circle. Because the parable of the sheep and goats is just another statement of belief. And that to me is the big problem with building up a set of assertive statements that are not tied to anything concrete. When beliefs are unbounded, then, literally anything is possible. For example, perhaps God actually dislikes the sheep and favors the goats. That could be true, simply by asserting the parable of the sheep and goats has been corrupted by God's enemy.
Although your original post didn't directly make this point -- I think you've hit upon something important to both groups. And that, is a sort of plea -- to be understood and stop using extreme examples. I'm an atheist, but I am not at all like Stalin or the Khmer Rouge. Likewise, although technically some Christian literally believe a non-Christian like Mahatma Gandhi is right now burning in hell -- for most who attend a Christian church the subject of hell and who is being punished there is not something often considered.