There were lots of ones who said they could not enter the KH after the remodel because of the paint, carpet, etc. they would give their wt comments to the conductor before the meeting, over the phone!
Sounds like a great way to get out of going to the meetings.
I don't doubt that there are some actual legitimate cases of chemical sensitivity, but the absurd occourance rate within the JW world compared to outside means it HAS to be almost entirely psychological. Especially when, as someone else mentioned, you'll see these same people without fail enjoying life around all kinds of chemicals and perfumes in public. Their problems only seem to happen at the meetings.
The stereotypical "JW Chemical Sensitivity" is the minds of these poor people reacting to the stress of the Witness life - the cognitive dissonance, the arbritrary rules and regulations, the constant feeling of being judged - and trying to provide them with any sort of escape.