Tec: You may have to elaborate on this......(snipped)
You have to take my post in it's entirety. The reason that many arguments fail from the point of view of the atheist is because of faulty reasoning. Again, refer to the FiLCHeRS in my previous post.
If there is a positive claim made and the supporting evidence, arguments etc. conflict with the FiLCHeRS, then there is good reason not to accept the claim. It’s not a matter of wanting to only hear the evidence we want to hear, it’s about a systematic approach of validating a positive claim.
JoinedPosts by xchange
Mickey Mouse thinks religious belief is.............
by wobble inmickey mouse, our very own treasured poster, not the cartoon character, thinks that religious belief is both rational and intelligent.. do you ?.
Mickey Mouse thinks religious belief is.............
by wobble inmickey mouse, our very own treasured poster, not the cartoon character, thinks that religious belief is both rational and intelligent.. do you ?.
Mickey Mouse thinks religious belief is.............
by wobble inmickey mouse, our very own treasured poster, not the cartoon character, thinks that religious belief is both rational and intelligent.. do you ?.
Tec: In reference to evidence - “It might not be enough for some people”
I hear this argument from time to time. It’s basically saying the fault lies with the other party for not agreeing with the evidence already presented. I would counter that the evidence hasn’t met necessary criteria for evidential reasoning. The FiLCHeRS are as follows:
Falsifiability -- It must be possible to conceive of evidence that would prove the claim
false. If nothing conceivable could ever disprove a claim, it is meaningless. There are two
principle ways this rule is violated:
-- By the undeclared claim: a statement so broad or vague that it lacks propositional
content, such as the claim that quartz crystals can restore balance and harmony to a
person's spiritual energy. How could you disprove that? The undeclared claim has the
advantage that virtually any evidence that could be adduced may be interpreted as
confirming the claim. It is especially popular with paranormalists.
-- By the multiple out, which is an inexhaustible series of excuses intended to explain
away evidence that would seem to falsify the claim. Psychic healers, for example, will
attribute failure to a person's lack of faith. The multiple out means, in effect, "Heads I
win, tails you lose."
Logic -- Any argument in support of a claim must be both valid and sound. To be valid,
the arguments premises must be true. To be sound, the rules of logic must be correctly
used to reach conclusions based on such premises.
Comprehensiveness -- The evidence must be exhaustive--that is, all of the available
evidence must be considered. The successes of psychics, for example, are cited without
reference to their much more numerous failures.
Honesty -- The evidence must be evaluated without self-deception. Parapsychologists
violate this rule when they conclude, after failure to replicate an initially positive result,
that psi must be an elusive phenonemon. The more honest conclusion would be that the
original result must have been a coincidence.
Replicability -- If the evidence for a claim is based upon an experimental result, or if the
evidence offered in support of a claim could logically be explained as coincidental, then
the result must be repeated in subsequent experiments or trials.
The rule of replicability, which requires independent persons to follow the same
procedures and achieve the same results, is an effective way of correcting bias, error, or
fraud in experiments. When I correctly predict the roll of the dice, is it psychic ability or
coincidence? You should demand that I repeat feat a convincing number of times.
Sufficiency -- The evidence offered in support of a claim must be adquate to establish the
truth of that claim:
-- The burden of proof for any claim rests on the claimant. UFO buffs argue that UFO
sightings not explained by skeptics must be extraterrestrial spacecraft. Hitler is alive and
well in Argentina. Is it true just because you can't prove me wrong?
-- Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. If I claim that it rained on my
way to work last Tuesday, you would be justified in assigning that claim considerable
credibility. But if I claim that I was abducted by Martians, you would want better
-- Evidence based on authority and/or testimony is inadquate for any extraordinary
claim. No amount of expertise in a field is a guarantee against human fallibility, nor does
expertise preclude the motivation to lie.Passing all six tests does not assure that a claim is true (there may be contrary evidence
tomorrow), but it does mean that you have sold your conviction for a fair price, and that
it has not been filched from you.
The above cut and paste has been brought to you by James Lett in the Winter 1990 issue of
Skeptical Enquirer -
Regarding Compent Use Of The Bible In Field Service. JWs or XJWs Only Please.
by AvocadoJake indear brothers and sisters, i watched a disturbing video on youtube of this born-againer beating the hell out of some old timers in utah( i think.
) and his conduct was hideous, not christlike one bit.
the question i pose to you is this, how many jws were you truly impressed by their use of the bible?
I'm really good at changing the oil and filling up the tires on my car. This doesn't make me a qualified mechanic. That's how I always viewed myself when using the bible in the old days. I could spout off certain scriptures and that was it. I even read the bible cover to cover but that still didn't make me competent. One time I met a university student who was majoring in theology - they absolutely maimed me with their bible knowledge. That was ok though because the discussion was just based on a book of myths and 'some' nice stories.
Do you hate God
by Star tiger ini beginning to think that this would be a good way of thinking, a totally righteous being would not let all the shit that is happenning to people prevail, this being cannot have the best interests of man as his first priority, it's all about ego and no matter how the human familty suffers, he hates pretty much everyone, as the tv show says, your fired, let's get a better god, one who at least gives everyone a chance!!.
i welcome comments from god apologists, to at least have an argument as to why they put they're faith in someone that does'nt give a shit about them!.
star tiger.
Heaven and Hell : Life after death
by bioflex ini am starting this topic to discuss the title.
i know many people on this forums dont believe in the idea of god , and even jw's reject the idea of a fiery hell even though the bible clearly states is.. this video contain testimonies osome people who even considered themselves as atheists until the point of practical death.. i just want to emphasize what one person said in the video at the point of death - " what if god is real, and what if all that which was being said about god was true" .
hope this helps whoever it may.. and one more thing, no matter what you do or how you live your life, just know that even at the point of death, jesus christ is able to save.
Deepak Chopra and Bill O'Reilly Attack Richard Dawkins in 'Believers vs. Non-Believers' Discussion
by whereami inok my fellow flying spaghetti monster believers.
get ready to just nod your heads in disbelief at the lack of any honesty with these two idiots.. .
classic case of pot calling kettle black.
Anyway, perhaps my point is ... Why don't we all (humans) get along? Why don't we submit to LOVE ...
Because the special brand of love that theists like to pander is cleverly (not always though) veiled in the concept of a supreme being to which many of us find no evidence for.
I'm all for respect and consideration of my fellow primates but do not ascribe these qualities to a divine source.
Deepak Chopra and Bill O'Reilly Attack Richard Dawkins in 'Believers vs. Non-Believers' Discussion
by whereami inok my fellow flying spaghetti monster believers.
get ready to just nod your heads in disbelief at the lack of any honesty with these two idiots.. .
classic case of pot calling kettle black.
Holy crap! Sign-language video
by lilbluekitty inthis may not be new to some of you but look at this sign-language video done by the society on learn from the great teacher.. not sure if it will show up:.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/booarcubyiy" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
if that doesn't work here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=booarcubyiy.
Absolute knowledge vs. Relativism
by Vidqun inbelieving in a god is a leap of faith.
being an atheist is also a leap of faith, and that goes for the evolutionists too.
i believe in absolute truth as found in the bible.